Page 99 of Giving In

“But believe me, you’re about to find out.”

His free hand goes under my skirt. He grabs at my panties. I fight him, but my strength is nothing compared to his. I push at his hand, kick my legs to try and get myself off the desk but he doesn’t move one bit.

My eyes widen in horror when I hear the sound of my panties ripping. I shake my head, pressure building behind my eyes.

“No, no, no” I force out of my mouth.

“Don’t worry,” he mocks me. “I told you before that rape isn’t my thing. I prefer you wet and willing, baby.”

But I didn’t say no because I was scared of sexual assault. I said no because I don’t want him to feel how wet my panties are. Shamefully wet. I don’t like him, God, I hate him but his does things to me.

“Oh Angel, so wet for me. Always. So. Wet.”

I have to squeeze my eyes shut as my face burns with embarrassment. I open them to see him putting my panties in his back pocket. He lets go of me so hard I almost fall on the other side of the desk.

I see him bend down and when he reappears, he’s holding my bag. He searches through it and when I see my house keys emerging, I jump off the desk.

“Give me that,” I order, holding my hand out to him.

“You can get them at the end of the day.”

“I–I can’t, you have practice tonight. Please just stop this.” Begging is even more humiliating, but I don’t know how to get to him anymore. He switched, and I’m scared I’ll never bring him back.

“Right and make sure you wait through the whole thing or you might have to break a window to get inside your house tonight.”

He leaves without glancing back. I call him one last time to try and change his mind, but he doesn’t turn back. My fist hits the desk in frustration.

He is driving me insane.


I wait on the bleachers, with no underwear on, and spend an hour and a half trying to keep my skirt down in the freezing wind. The smirks Jake sends my way confirms that this was exactly the point. It’s embarrassing and my cheeks are on fire, but my body is trembling with the cold.

After everyone has gone home, Jake appears from the locker room and comes back to me.

“Let’s get you home,” he smiles his pearly teeth at me. His hair is wet and messy from the shower.

The winning look on his face is adding to the list of shit I hate him for. He took the time to have a shower when he knew I was waiting for him in the cold with barely anything on.

I get up, shivering and my teeth clattering. Does he even realize the temperature right now?

“You’re cold,” he frowns, and if I didn’t know he was a sociopath I might have mistaken concern in his eyes.

“No shit,” I growl.

His hug comes unexpectedly and harshly. He holds my head against his chest as his arms wrap around me. A sigh of contempt escapes my lips at the warmth emanating from his body. He starts moving his hands up and down my back to warm me up and I just let him. It feels too good, too natural to stop him.

I’m not exactly sure where he’s driving us but when he parks on the side of the road, I raise an eyebrow at him.

“I’ll be two minutes,” he says as he unbuckles his belt and jumps out of the car.

I check my phone for texts from Nathan, but I’ve had nothing from him today. Guilt feels heavy in my stomach for being in Jake’s car. For letting him play with me today like he did.

Jake comes back in the car fifteen minutes later with a medium brown paper bag that seems full to the rim.

“Here,” he breathes as he settles back behind the wheel. I grab the bag in confusion. “It’s for you.”

I look inside to find platters of sushi stacked up on each other.