He must read what I’m thinking because he hurries to reply. “Oh, shit, no. Not what you think! I have a friend in the spare room. We got stupidly drunk yesterday; he’s still sleeping.”
“Oh,” I simply reply.
“You know what,” he opens the door fully, “just come in. I’ll put something on, and we can go somewhere for breakfast.”
“It’s fine, we can see each other another time,” I exclaim putting my hands in front of me.
The last thing I’d want to do is impose. That’s the worst I could do to my potential future boyfriend.
Really? I’d say the worst you could do to him is make out with another guy before running to him.
I slightly cringe at the thought.
He grabs my wrist and pulls me inside with him. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
I follow him in until we enter his open-plan kitchen. Everything at his place is sleek. A mix of white and gray that fit perfectly together, completed with some light wooden furniture that gives the whole place a Scandinavian vibe. I sit on a stool by the huge white marble kitchen island and admire his ass as he crosses the room, past the huge L shaped sofa that can probably host twenty people, and down the hall.
I put an elbow on the counter and my head in my hand while I wait for him. For some strange reason, I suddenly feel lighter knowing that he’s happy to spend time with me.
A minute into my deep thoughts, a phone pings on the counter. I look down and notice an unfamiliar phone next to Nathan’s. It must be his friend’s. Curious, I move my head to read the message. Wrong? Yes. Do I care? Nope. Feeding my curiosity is my favorite pastime. Why do I even want to become a surgeon? I should be a detective.
Baby girl:Cool. Don’t pick me up. I’ll come over.
Nathan walks back dressed in dark denim jeans and a tight white tee. I think he sees me ogling because he gives me a lopsided smirk.
“Anything I can help you with?” he asks self-satisfied as he ties his hair in his usual tight bun.
He grabs a gray sweater on the back of the sofa and heads towards me.
“I could do with a kiss I guess,” I shrug.
He laughs and hurries to grab me in his arms. He captures my lips in a tender kiss and I reluctantly let him go when he takes a step back.
“Should we go?”
“Yup,” I say as I jump off the stool. “Hey, your friend’s ‘baby girl’ is probably coming over tonight. So I think you should be staying with me.” I say in my most playful voice.
“‘Me,” he stops walking, “how do you know that?” he asks, perfectly knowing how.
“Might have seen a text,” I mumble quietly.
He shoots me a disapproving look but can’t hold it too long. “Don’t look at people’s phones.” He grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him. “You’re a little sneaky vixen, aren’t you? Your curiosity will get you in trouble one day.”
He turns me around after giving me another kiss, so I’m facing the direction of the doorway, and gives me a small slap on the ass. “Let’s go before I show you real trouble.”
We both start walking as he puts his sweater on.His head pops out and I watch as his tattooed fingers bring back the hood that got stuck on his head. God, this man is beautiful.
Nathan takes me for brunch at a fancy place by the falls, a short walk from his. He orders us fruit, eggs, pancakes, and bacon with maple syrup. To complete it all we get unlimited coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice.
I love watching him take the lead. I feel tingly everywhere when he takes care of me and I want to take care of him back. I want to make him feel good,everywhere.I want to show him how much I care but I know he’s hesitant because of the age difference. He doesn’t want to pressure me, and he doesn’t even know I’m a virgin.
My only sexual experience ever has been Jake. Yes, he gave me a mind-blowing orgasm, but I want to know what it’s like to give and take in a loving relationship. I want Nathan to be my first because I know he’ll worship me and my body. He makes me feel complete to the point that I miss him simply when I’m looking away.
“Everything alright?” he asks while chewing on a mouthful of pancake. “You’re staring at me.”
I blush before replying, “Sorry.” I dip my bacon in syrup. I’m such a sucker for a great brunch.