Page 70 of Giving In

“There’s no one to drive you home. You’re drunk. Or at least buzzed. It’s not safe for you to leave on your own at this time.” He takes each step down looking straight at me.

“If you’re so concerned, feel free to call me a cab. So much for not having sex, by the way.” Why did I say that? I don’t care. I shouldn’t care and most of all I shouldn’t show him that I care.

He smiles at me but there’s no kindness in it, only his predatory grin. We finally reach each other mid-stairs.

“I didn’t fuck Camila. Now go back down,” he orders.

“No.” I almost stamp my foot, but I decide to simply cross my arms over my chest.

I’m slightly lightheaded from all the drinks but I don’t feeldrunk. I’ve drank enough to feel brave but not too much that I can’t control my body anymore.


“You heard me. Get out of my way.” I insist.

He takes another step down and I try to move to the left, but the staircase is too narrow, and he just grabs my upper arm, carrying me along with him as he walks down the stairs. I have to move backward and almost fall twice.

“You really are the worst human being on the damn pla–” I cut short when I realize that Chris is still down here. How could I forget?

“Are you for real, Jake?” Chris scolds.

“Who did you think I was talking about?” Jake asks, sincerely confused.

What the hell are they on about now? Jake brings me in front of him and he lets go of my arm. Chris comes to stand in front of his friend, and I’m sandwiched between them, facing Chris.

“Anyone but her,” he answers deadpan.

“Guess again?” Jake says innocently.

“I don’t know, man.” Chris runs a hand through his hair. He’s still drunk, his eyes sparkling gold even in the dimmed lighting.

“You’re thinking too much,” Jake claims. “You’re eighteen now, time to enjoy life.”

Jake spins me around, bends slightly to bring his face to my eye level. “You’re gonna be a good girl for me, aren’t you?”

“What?” I ask, completely incredulous at the whole situation.

Before I can ask any further, two hands come from behind. One holding my waist, the other grabbing my jaw. I inhale a sharp breath that gets blocked in my throat.

Jake takes a step back, happy with his work, and observing as Chris starts kissing my neck.

“What are you do–”

“You too, Goody. Less thinking, more enjoying.”

When Chris’ tongue runs up my neck, I let out a sigh of pleasure. In a few seconds, all my thoughts seem to melt into a pool of pleasure between my legs. Chris’ hand around my waist drops to my thigh and he grabs it tight.

“Chris,” I sigh, needing to feel more of him.

Am I dreaming? Is this some kind of alcohol-induced hallucination?

He brings his hand back up and under my shirt, then under my bra, and grabs one of my breasts. My body stills as it finally catches up to the situation.

“Just trust me,” Chris whispers in my ear. “I would never hurt you.”

My brain tries to work something to reply but my body seems satisfied with a few words. My back still to him, I arch into his hand and feel his erection on the small of my back. My eyes feel heavy when he starts massaging my nipple between his thumb and index. A small moan escapes my mouth and Chris’ lips graze at my jaw.

“Fuck. You’re loving this, Angel.”