I frown at them, mad at them but especially myself for not knowing what to retort.
Camila takes Jake’s hand and whispers something in his ear. A satisfied smile appears on his face. His gaze snaps to me for a brief second, like he’s hesitating. He whispers something back to Camila and she leaves, walking proudly like she owns everything and everyone around here. Really, she does. She’s got Jake and whoever has Jake White rules our small world that is Stoneview.
I observe the boys, trying to focus on them only. Do any of them look out of breath? Flushed? I’m looking for anything but there’s nothing. I’m lost.
Who did I just share my first kiss with?
‘I wish I could pretend I didn’t need you
I should be running
You keep me coming for you’
Señorita – Kurt Hugo Schneider, Madilyn Bailey
“Don’t you think you’ve pushed this far enough,” I fume. “I’m not going to wait for you while you go have sex with Camila. Enough is enough Jake.”
Only Jake and I are left in the basement, and my legs are itching to leave this house.
Jake laughs at what I just said and I’m ready to punch him.
If only I was sure he wouldn’t hit me back.I’m sure he’s not above hitting a girl. He would do anything to show his superiority.
“I’m not going to fuck her,” he keeps on laughing. “I’m just walking her back to her car.”
“She can’t drive. She’s drunk!”
Why am I worried about her?!
His laugh accentuates and I’m seconds away from kicking him in the balls.
“Camila doesn’tdriveon these nights, baby. She’s got a driver. You wait here, I’ll be quick.”
“Will you stop calling me baby–”
I don’t even bother finishing my sentence because he’s already running up the stairs. I should go. I should go and not care what he’ll do. Walk home. It doesn’t matter if it takes me all night, I just want to be away from him.But the thought of what could happen if I stay is like an itch begging to be scratched. A promise of dirty pleasures.
After a few minutes trying to make a decision, I head for the stairs. To hell what Jake thinks. He has no proof of what I’ve done. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see a figure walking down.
“What are you still doing here?” he asks in a tired voice. “Everyone’s left.”
“I was just leaving. Happy Birthday,” I say as I move out of the way to let him go down the stairs.
He murmurs a thank you, clearly not in the mood for whatever reason.
I take my first step up just to see Jake appearing at the top of the stairs. Messy hair, shirt wrongly buttoned. Hedidgo and have sex while he left me here. Anger rises in me like a powerful tsunami.
“Going somewhere?” he asks as he lifts an eyebrow at me.
“Yes. Home.”
I keep going up the stairs, ready to push him out of the way.