Page 58 of Ours

“Grandfather’s,” he answered as the vehicle slipped into a rut. “Not by blood, and we keep it in his name so it’s safe and fairly untraceable.”

“Fairly,” I forced the word through clenched teeth, holding on.

He cut me a look. “Nothing is one hundred percent safe.”

He was right. I fixed my focus on the road as we straightened out and picked up speed, tearing past the mailbox that had a name printed on the side. I guessed if anyone was going to track him this far, then a damn name amounted to nothing.

If they wanted us bad enough, they’d come.

Because nowhere was really safe. Not on our own, at least.

As we drove, my thoughts turned to Jack Castlemaine, where he’d been hiding and how the hell he'd gotten out of prison. I had too many questions…the most nagging one dragged me to that damn notebook I'd found in Elle’s closet.Watching her with her friends, I could almost forget how she came to be, what she represents, and her purpose in all this.

What purpose?

That's the thing that kept me panicking, it was like living with a ticking time bomb. The only problem was, Ryth didn’t even know she was dangerous herself.

“—you haven’t heard a word I’ve said, have you?”

I jerked my gaze to the doc behind the wheel. “Sorry.”

He gave a nod. “I was telling you that we’ll be leaving first thing in the morning.”

“You’re leaving?”

He gave a nod and focused on the road. “You’re calling Benjamin Rossi, right?”

I scowled. “Yeah, we don’t really have much of an option here.”

“I understand that, but I have to look out for my own.”

There was that remark again, and the fear where the Rossis where concerned. I knew Ben, knew he could be a hardass and a ruthless motherfucker, and I also knew Lazarus was the kind of guy you didn’t want to mess with. So what the fuck did the doc actually do?

My thoughts returned to money. “If you’re in some kind of money trouble,” I started.

He glanced my way and scowled for a second before shaking his head. “I wish. No…it’s…” he sighed. “It’s Kit.”

“Your sister?”

“She gets defensive, especially when it comes to people she thinks of as friends.”

Now I was intrigued. “Go on.”

He didn’t want to, growing red in the face as he scowled. The guy had pulled a bullet out of my brother’s thigh and hauled the dead body of my father into the back of his car, and yet his stepsister being defensive made him flinch?

There had to be more. But I said nothing while he wrestled with the words.

“Let's just say my stepsister is the one standing in the way of Benjamin Rossi and love.”

“And love?”

He looked my way. “Literally. Love Hartman is a trauma nurse Mr. Rossi met through an acquaintance.” He winced at the word.

A friend of a friend.“I take it that acquaintance is you?”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

I dragged my fingers through my hair. Now that made sense.