Page 57 of Ours

“Sounds good,” C muttered, glancing my way.

He would keep her busy, making sure she didn’t wander. Although the doc didn’t seem to like that idea at all. I slowly stepped away, keeping the firecracker in my line of view, and crossed the kitchen. “She’ll be safe with him,” I murmured, meeting Lucas’s stare. “Don’t worry about that.”

He was…

And there wasn’t a thing I could do about that.

Caleb had an air of darkness about him now, a savagery that was the ice to T’s fire. I glanced left and saw him now as he crossed the room. “I can give you a hand with that list too, if you want?”

She looked at her brother, and he gave a slow nod.Go,the motion said.You’re okay.She did, glancing back one last time before heading for the kitchen.

“He’s dangerous.”

The words were so quiet I almost missed them. But I didn’t miss the look the doc gave me, a look that said far too much. It was my turn to look away, my turn to try to ignore the howling in my head. One that said even though Caleb was the quietest of all of us, he was also the most dangerous.

Dangerous to us…

And to Ryth.

“I’ll meet you outside,” I muttered, and headed after them.

The place was nice, but damn quiet. The chirping of birds in the trees was all I could hear as I stepped out and headed back along the veranda, kicking leaves as I went. I stepped down and strode to the sedan Jack Castlemaine had left for us in a stranger’s barn in the middle of nowhere.

No. Not for us…for himself.

I opened the driver's door and yanked the latch for the trunk. Guns were fixed under the lid. I wedged my fingers under the carpet and yanked up the flooring, staring at the weapons stowed in the spare tire well. This wasn’t fitted out to last, just to get them to the next one hidden away on a map Ryth’s father had in his head.

A map for them to use to run.

And leave us behind.

I braced my hand against the side of the trunk and felt the world sway. They’d leave us…he’d make her leave us.Even the idea of that was too much for me to think about. An ache filled my chest. The kind of ache that was crushing. Spears ripped along my arm…I couldn’t breathe…I couldn’t breathe. I—

“You ready to go?”

Lucas stepped up out of nowhere and took a look at the guns visible in the sedan, then at me. He scowled, his gaze moving to my fist pressed against my sternum. “You okay?”

“Think I’m having a damn heart attack,” I groaned.

He moved close and pressed his fingertips against my neck, his gaze unfocused for a moment before he dropped his hand. “You’re fine.”

Still that ache pounded, shredding my damn chest. He looked at the open trunk once more, his brows rising. “Impressive haul. Looks like you’re equipped to run.”

“Not us,” I forced the words, and the moment I did, that ache grew real, tearing words from my mouth. “Ryth’s dad.”

“And Ryth, I take it?”

I nodded, unable to say the words out loud.

“How about we drive?”

I lifted my gaze, then nodded and slammed the trunk closed. “Sounds good.”

Before I climbed into the passenger’s seat, I glanced at the cabin once more. T and Ryth were busy, probably asleep by now. C and Kit were off getting the layout of this place. They were safe for now.Wewere safe for now. That’s all I cared about as I climbed into the Range Rover and closed the door.

The engine throbbed as he gunned it, switched the dial to reverse, and backed out, swinging sharply. The road tires weren’t meant for the loose terrain, but they caught alright as he nosed the four-wheel drive forward along the dirt road.

“This your place?”