Page 127 of Ours

“Then we’re heading your way.” Nick gripped his phone and turned toward us.

“Take the back roads,” Ben warned. “Call me when you’re close.”

“Will do,” he acknowledged, then ended the call.

I looked down at the blood that had almost reached my bare feet and flinched, before pushing into Tobias. He followed my stare, then pulled me away.

“I’ll get the car started,” Nick growled. “You get the guns.”

“Hurry, princess,” Caleb urged. “Grab your clothes and we’re out of here.”

But I turned on him, searching body. “Your shoulder.”

He looked down, the smear of blood on his shirt hadn’t grown. “I’m okay, just a flesh wound. Grab your things, princess. We have to move.”

Fuck the things.“Rebel?” I searched the space, finding her sitting near the end of the counter, panting hard. I lurched forward and dropped to my knees beside her. “You okay, girl?” I ran my hands over her head and gently searched her body. “Did you hurt yourself? Did you tear a stitch?”

“In the car, princess,” Nick snapped, gathering our attackers’ weapons and searching their bodies. “I’ll get the dog.”

I pushed upwards as my pulse boomed in my ears and snapped me out of it. “You’re right. I’ll be quick.” I didn’t bother to look behind me as I rushed for the stairs.

“Five seconds, Ryth!”Nick roared behind me.

Five seconds. Five damn seconds. I took the stairs two at a time and the deafening sounds of heavy steps behind me closed in. Strong hands around my waist lifted my feet from the stairs and thrust me faster up to the first floor.

“Hurry, little sister.” Tobias gently shoved me forward.

But he didn’t follow me. I didn’t slow long enough to see where he went, just raced to the room I’d been sharing with my brothers and grabbed every piece of clothing I could find before yanking on jeans, boots, my bra this time, and a shirt, then grabbed my jacket.

I wasn’t five seconds…but I was damn fast.

I stumbled out of the room, finding Tobias waiting at the stairs with a heavier duffel bag filled with guns. Corded tendons strained in his neck with the weight. Still, he motioned me first, leaving me to slip around him and race down the stairs.

The heavy throb of a car's engine beckoned. We were heaving our bags into the rear in a blur of movement, climbing into the car…and tearing away from the Rossi house.



I punched the accelerator,clipping the garage door as it rose.

“Where are we heading?” T snarled from the backseat.

But I didn’t have time to answer as I braked hard at the closed electric gate and stared at the body of one of Rossi’s men at the edge of the driveway, his automatic weapon in his hand. Another one of his buddies lay not far away. Christ, this was bad…

“I’ll get it.” Caleb shoved open his door and climbed out.

I scanned for assholes in balaclavas, ready to step out and start firing at the first sign of movement. C hurried to the fence, gripped the iron, and heaved himself over.

“I don’t know,” I answered T’s question.

“Not the shipping yard, that’s too far out of the city.”

“I don’t know…” I snarled, panic filling my head.

The gates rolled open before C hurried back out. I shoved the four-wheel drive into gear and rolled through, stopping only long enough to pick him up before I tore away from the house.
