Page 128 of Ours

I jerked my gaze to my phone as Caleb snapped his seatbelt shut and reached for it sitting between us. I divided my focus, pushing the four-wheel drive hard as I tore along the back streets.

“Silks District,” he muttered, jerking his gaze to mine. “That’s where he wants us to head.”


“The abandoned warehouses that were sold by the city.”

“And bought by Ben, no doubt,” T muttered in the backseat. “At least it’s not the shipping yard.”

And not that far away. I pressed the button on the GPS in the middle of the console system, narrowed in on the back streets where we were, and dragged the map right until it came to what was still marked as factories in the upper west section of the city. It’d take us…about twenty minutes. “Tell him we’ll be there in ten.”

Caleb’s fingers flew across the keyboard as I yanked the wheel and punched the gas, heading to the highway. I focused on the street in front of us and the rear-view mirror, waiting and watching for the next onslaught.

“How the fuck did they find us?” Tobias snarled, turning in his seat, watching the blur of overhead lights.

“Hell if I know,” I muttered, turning the car onto the on-ramp and gunning the engine. “But they did, so we need to be prepared.”

T lifted his gun and checked the round with aclack.“Oh, believe me, I’m fucking ready.”

I concentrated on getting us there in one piece, my mind racing. But no matter how panicked I was…I was still drawn back to her. “Princess?” I cut my gaze to her in the back seat. She was quiet, too damn quiet.

She glanced my way, the splash of streetlights making her washed-out blue eyes even paler. “Yeah?”

“You okay back there?”

She swallowed hard and nodded. T reached over the dog, gripped the back of Ryth’s neck and forced her gaze to his. “No falling apart on us, little mouse.”

She shook her head, even though those wide eyes were filled with fear. I pushed the car harder and slipped onto the off-ramp, taking the next exit.


I winced. Fuck, I was starting to hate that sound. “What now?” I growled, my focus dragged back to the moment tonight had gone wrong.

Those men in black were The Order, they had to be. The bomb. The fucking assassination. This was them cleaning house and taking back what was theirs. My gaze went to the rear-view mirror as C answered. “Yeah?”

But Ryth wasn’t theirs…

She was ours.

“He’s there?” Caleb glanced my way as I took the next left and headed to the Silks District. They were a bunch of abandoned warehouses that were once a thriving factory that specialized in top-end materials…hence the name. Now it was a carcass…a lonely, desolate, abandoned carcass.

I looked up at the empty apartment building that towered over this block, searching for movement, and turned in.

“Over there.” Caleb pointed to three cars parked outside the gates of the closest section.

I nosed the four-wheel drive toward them, mounted the curb, and killed the engine. “I don’t like being this exposed,” I muttered as I scanned around.

“Neither do I.” Tobias shoved open his door and climbed out first, taking his time to check out the surroundings. “Okay, Ryth. You can get out.”

The screech of metal pierced the night, coming from the old roller door just ahead of us. I jerked my focus toward the sound, seeing two silhouettes against the weak inside lights. Ben stood there, right beside—

“Dad?” Ryth whispered.

She took a step, then another, before she lunged.

“Ryth!”Tobias snarled, leaping for her.

But he wasn’t fast enough, and our princess was scurrying as fast as her legs allowed. Rebel gave a bark and charged after her as both of them tore through the open gate and raced toward the men.