Page 53 of Finding Hope

Sara was still sleeping as Hope walked down the sand road from her house toward the resort. The sun peeked over the mountains to the east when she leaped out of Gerold’s way as he barreled by on his bike. “Whoa! Sorry ‘bout that!” He grinned as he pedaled past.

“Slow down!” Hope laughed, continuing toward the pier. She sat down on a bench to wait for Alex. Before too long, he trotted down his stairs with a towel around his neck.

He took in the T-shirt and shorts she wore. “No swim this morning?”

“No, I’m sitting this one out today.” She took a breath. “I wanted to apologize to you for Sara. She means well, but once she gets going, she’s like a force of nature. You just have to hold on and let her blow herself out. If she gets too personal, tell her to be quiet. I mean it.”

“It’s fine.” Alex sat next to her. “She didn’t cross any lines. And I get a kick out of watching you two together. She’s a pistol, that’s for sure.” He nudged her knee with his. “Besides, I have a little sister, too. I know how they can be.”

Hope raised a brow at him. “I do believe that’s the first personal detail you’ve ever volunteered.”

“She’s married with two kids and lives in Baltimore.”

“Well, maybe she’ll come and visit us some day.” He shrugged, staring at the deck, and Hope relented. “Sara and I are going into Frederiksted this morning to look around, but she said she’d like to go snorkeling this afternoon. She’s expecting a fully guided tour.”

“Of course she is.” Alex smiled, now back in familiar territory. “I’m at your service.”

“Could you lead us around the house reef?”

“I can do better than that.” He put his arm around her and squeezed before letting go. Hope took that as an apology of sorts. “Let’s take the boat. I’ll take you guys to a great spot.” He frowned. “Assuming the boat behaves herself, of course.”

“You think we can wait until fall to do repairs?”

He shrugged. “It’s pretty normal. Boats are temperamental.” He turned to her with a smile. “I don’t think it’s going to sink if that’s what you’re worried about. Sara’s perfectly safe.”

She returned his smile. “Thanks. I’m sure she’s terribly worried.” The smile fell as Hope rose from the bench. “And prepare yourself, Alex. I’m not sure Sara’s done with you yet.”

“If she tries to swallow me whole, I’ll count on you to save me.” He stood up, throwing his towel on the bench before diving in.

* * *

It was starting to get warm as Hope and Sara walked along the Frederiksted pier. No cruise ships were in port today, so it was nearly deserted along its one-third mile length, especially at 10 a.m. A main feature of the town, the dark wooden pier jutted far out into the turquoise water.

“It’s so pretty here. I expected some seedy sections,” Sara said.

“There are some parts that are a little sketchy, but overall, it’s an amazing island.”

Sara sighed. “Listen, I’m not going to beat a dead horse here.”

“She says as she gets out her baseball bat and starts looking for equines.”

“Fair enough. But how many years are you going to go on punishing yourself for something that wasn’t your fault?”

“I’m not anymore. I know it wasn’t my fault. But old habits are hard to change, you know?” They stopped and leaned with their forearms against the railing, the warm breeze blowing against their faces.

“Has Alex given you any indication he can’t be trusted, or worse?”

“No. Just the opposite, actually.” Hope sighed. “Though he really hates personal questions. The man does not like to talk about his past.”

Sara threw back her head and laughed. “Oh my God—you two are made for each other!”

Hope had to laugh, too. “Maybe. But whatever his issue is, it’s also holding him back.”

“Give it time. Doesn’t seem like either of you is going anywhere.”

“I know. It seemed so much easier with Kyle. And I know why.”

Sara turned toward her with a raised brow.