Page 54 of Finding Hope

“Because I care about Alex. A lot. God, emotions are coming up in me that send me into a tailspin. It’s ridiculous. We almost kissed a while ago, and I ran off like a schoolgirl. I’m amazed he’s still speaking to me.” She shook her head. “Sometimes I feel like I need a huge sign held up for me: Hope, this is worth the risk. I’ve got so much to lose now.”

“Sounds to me like you’ve got a lot to gain too. Not all men desert the people they love, you know.”

“Yes, wise sister, I’m aware. But I’m the one who had to clean up Dad’s colossal mess for years. It didn’t make a good impression on me.”

“I know. And I know you went from bad to worse. But it’s also not something you should punish every man on earth for. Men can be fun, you know. I’m thinking about a particular dive guide right now.” Sara snuck her a sideways glance that made Hope sigh with dread. “A nice roll in the hay would do you a world of good, you know.”

“Oh, come on. Sex just complicates things. It’s not that great.”

Sara turned to her, mouth open. “Oh my God! Hope, have you even had B sex?”

“I’m scared to even ask, Sara. What, pray tell, is B sex?”

“Above average. Don’t you know anything?” She frowned. “Ok, big sister, looks like a lecture is on order. Let’s forget about A—extremely rare and definitely something to hold on to if you find it. But come on! B sex is totally obtainable.”

Hope scowled at her. “That is incredibly shallow.”

“Oh, stop it. We’re not only talking about the physical act here, you know. It’s the whole thing—how he makes you feel, and therefore how you make him feel, mmm? The feelings, the chemistry, the emotion. It’s love—declared or undeclared.” Sara nodded wisely.

“I’m not having this conversation with you.”

“I bet you’ve never even had above a C+, have you?”

Hope rounded on her. “And I suppose you’ve had A, huh?”

A dreamy smile appeared on Sara’s face, and she twirled a lock of hair around her finger. “Once. During that glorious summer I spent in Berkeley.” She turned to Hope. “Alas, we were incompatible.”

* * *

The two sisters shared a sedate lunch in Frederiksted before heading back to the resort for their snorkeling adventure. Sara restrained herself from asking more questions about Hope’s feelings for Alex.

He had everything ready on the boat so they were soon at the site, a protected bay that caught the sunshine but not the wind. Hope shut the engine off so Alex could get safely back on the boat after tying off to the mooring ball.

Sara stood there with her eyebrows raised. “Wow, you guys have this down to a science. I’m impressed.”

“Thank you,” Hope said. She was still sending dark glances Sara’s way. Earlier, Alex had stripped off his shirt before mooring the boat, completely oblivious to his effect on the two women. Sara had leaned behind him, giving Hope a very pointed look.

Hope had glared back and mouthed, “Behave!”

But at least now Sara seemed to be used to the sight of Alex’s bare torso and was inspecting her mask. No wetsuits today. Alex was clad in board shorts, Hope in one of her sporty bikinis, and Sara in a one-piece black swimsuit that clung to her curvy figure.

Alex wiped the water off his face and shook his head like a dog, sending droplets flying. “This site is great for both diving and snorkeling. The reef off to port here is shallow, and the sun hits it in the afternoon. We’ll swim down the reef, then make our way back. This can be a good place to find octopuses, so keep your eyes open.”

Sara reared back. “An octopus? Will it stick to my face?”

“They only do that to nosy people. Let’s go.”

Hope smiled as he handed them their masks, fins, and snorkels. All three made their way to the platform to don their fins, Sara in the middle, who turned to Alex. “You forgot your snorkel.”

“I never use the things. Hate them.”

“How are you going to breathe?”

He looked seriously at her. “Open my mouth and inhale.”

Hope laughed out loud at that, and they pushed off into the water with Sara mock glaring at Alex as she put her snorkel in her mouth.

They swam to the shallows, where they watched the fish dart about until Sara grew more comfortable in the water. Then Alex swam down as the reef top fell into a sloped wall. He wore his long free diving fins and weight belt.