He droveinto her with a groan that told her he was as desperate for her as she was for him. The first time they’d made love he’d been deliberate, seemingly determined to hold onto his discipline even when reaching for hisrelease.

Now he lowered his head to the nape of her neck as he buried himself inside her, pausing as if collecting himself before slowly dragging out of her. He watched her face as he thrust into heragain.

She felt every inch of his hard shaft gliding through her channel, stopping only when he couldn’t impale her any more. She locked her knees around his waist and he sank even deeper insideher.

The rhythmic pressure on her clit was like hot breath on the fire of her desire, and she rocked her hips against him, clutching his ass as he pulled out and pushing him back insideher.

“Say my name,” he ordered as he pushed intoher.

“Jack,” shegasped.

“Say it again. Look at me and tell me there’s no oneelse.”

“Jack…” He spread her open and drove into her. She looked into his eyes. “There’s no oneelse.”

There was only him. Only his body joining withhers.

“That’s right. You’re mine,Nina.”

She didn’t know what would happen in the future, but in that moment it wastrue.

He ownedher.

“I’m yours.” She pulled his head down to hers. “I’myours.”

He kissed her deeply, thrusting more quickly into her as his tongue sparred withhers.

Her orgasm lurked at the center of her body, a beast held too long at bay, set loose by the rhythmic friction against her clit, the steady pounding of Jack into her. A shiver ran up her spine and she clutched his back, rocking into the sensation, relinquishing control to the primal need of herbody.

When they’d been together last year, Jack had told her when she could come. This time she wasn’t taking orders. She was givingthem.

“Come with me,Jack.”

He lowered his head to her chest as he drove faster into her. It was the most out of control she’d ever seen him, slamming his body against hers at a frenzied pace as she lifted her hips to meet histhrusts.

Her orgasm grabbed hold of her all at once, a burst of light that forced her to close her eyes, the flush spreading outward from her center as she clamped down on his thickshaft.

He groaned as he spilled into her, his movements slowing as she milked him of every drop, as he wrung every last tremor from herbody.

She came to awareness with his lips on her forehead, his body still stretched out over hers. She wrapped her arms around him and lifted her head to meet hislips.

He eased himself off the bed. “Be rightback.”

A moment later, she heard the water running in the bathroom. She was still catching her breath when he returned, and she propped herself up on herarms.

“Where’s the fire?” sheasked.

He smiled and sat next to her. “I’m sorry. Aftercare is a force ofhabit.”


He stroked her hair back from her face. “Intense sexual experiences can be overwhelming. Responsibility extends to aftercare, insuring your partner is allright.”

She remembered him running her a bath after he’d used the rope, the strangeness of bathing alone after such intense sex, the soft and comforting T-shirt he’d offered her before he’d pulled her into his arms in the big bed high over thecity.
