Looking at his naked body, she knew the answer. She was pulsating with need, a kind of erotic muscle memory that craved the promise of his smooth skin sliding against hers, his lean muscle under her fingers, his mouth mapping every curve of herbody.

He stretched over her and pressed his shaft against her folds until she gasped, her clit pulsing with thefriction.

“Whenever you doubt that I want you, remember this, Nina.” He took one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked, then raised his head to look at her as he slid his shaft against the bud of her clit, the promise of his penetration enough to make her whimper. “Just thinking about you makes me thishard.”

His tongue dove into her mouth, and she pulled her knees up around his hips and let her hands roam his muscled back. The first time she’d been with him had been exciting, a glimpse into a brand of sex she’d never evenimagined.

But she hadn’t been able to touch him, had been ordered to hold onto the headboard while he lit her body on fire with his hands and tongue. She’d understood then that restraint was more than discipline for him — it was an aphrodisiac, one she wasn’t imperviousto.

Every moment she’d refrained from touching him had made her want himmore.

There are some things I can’t change,Nina.

She took advantage of her freedom, digging her nails into the flesh of his back, running her hands over the mound of his ass and pushing him further against her until hegroaned.

He kissed his way along her jaw to her ear, lingering over the lobe, biting down hard enough to make her moan as pain intertwined inexorably withpleasure.

She gave it back to him, biting down on hisshoulder.

“I knew you were naughty from the first moment I saw you,” he murmured, nuzzling the base of herneck.

She sighed as he flicked one of her nipples with his tongue. “Then you knew before Idid.”

“I know more about you than you think, darling. And I’m going to show youeverything.”

He drew the hardened peak into his mouth andsucked.

She gasped, twining her fingers in his hair, closing her eyes to everything but the sensation of his hot mouth on her skin, his body sliding against hers, his cock nestled in her wet folds. She was desperate for him to fill her, could almost feel him pushing through her channel, swollen andthrobbing.

He worked the other nipple and left a trail of kisses down her stomach. She’d been self-conscious about her body the first time she’d been with him, all too aware of his reputation for dating supermodels, of her own aging skin, the once firm curves now slightly soft in spite of her efforts at thegym.

She didn’t care about any of it now. She was just happy to be with him, to be really with him: no rope, no barriers, nogames.

He dipped his tongue into her belly button, ran it over the curve of her hip. She reached for him as he positioned his head between herlegs.

“Not tonight, Jack.” She didn’t want his mouth on her pussy, his fingers penetrating her. She wanted only his cock, buried deep inside her, tunneling through her ferociously, coming inside her. “I can’twait.”

He slid up the length of her body and reached for thenightstand.

“We don’t need it,” she gasped. “I can’t… I can’t getpregnant.”

It wasn’t the moment she’d planned for the confession, but she didn’t want anything betweenthem.

Not thistime.

He hesitated, then knelt between her legs, pushed her knees farther apart, and positioned his crown against herentrance.

“Tell me there’s no one else this time, Nina. Say it and meanit.”

She reached between her legs and closed her hand around his shaft. “There’s no one else. Now fuckme.”