“Because I’m not thin.”


“Or blond, or elegant, or divorced from a former high-ranking studio executive. I have no time for a personal trainer, I don’t wear clothes well, and getting my hair done bores the hell out of me.” She crossed her legs. “But most of all, I’m your agent, and I’m planning to make a lot of money off your career.”

“So will you go out with me next weekend anyway?”


“Too bad.” The waiter appeared, and Paul passed over his credit card. A director they both knew stopped at their table to chat, and by the time the valet had delivered Paul’s car, Laura assumed the subject was behind them. Paul quickly proved her wrong.

“The L.A. Chamber Orchestra is playing at Royce Hall next weekend,” he said as they drove off from the restaurant. “I think we should go. Unless you’d rather take in a Dodgers game.”

Two of her favorite activities. “I don’t get this. You’re the consummate professional. You know I can’t date a client, especially such an important client.”

“I like that ‘important’ part.”

“I mean it. You’re going to have a great career, and I want to negotiate every phase of it.”

He turned north onto Beverly Glen Boulevard. “If you weren’t my agent, would you date me?”

In a New York minute. “Probably not. We’re too different.”

“Why do you keep saying that?”

“Because you’re cool and logical. You like order. How long has it been since you’ve forgotten to pay your cable bill or splashed wine on your clothes?” She pointed toward the small red splotch on the skirt of her silk shift. At the same time she covered up a recent snag. She wanted to make her point without looking like a total slob.

“That’s one of the things I like about yo

u,” he said. “You get so wrapped up in a conversation you forget to pay attention to what you’re doing. You’re a good listener, Laura.”

And so was he. The intent way he’d locked in on her tonight made her feel like the most fascinating woman on earth. “I don’t get this,” she said. “Why the sudden interest?”

“Not all that sudden. You were my date for the wedding party, remember?”

“That was business.”

“Was it?”

“I thought it was.”

“You thought wrong,” he said. “That day you cornered me, you shook me loose from my moorings. You made me open my eyes about Georgie, and nothing’s been the same since.” The hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m fairly tightly wound. You’re a very relaxing woman, Laura Moody. You unwind me. Oh, and I also like your body.”

Laura burst out laughing. Where had all this charm come from? Wasn’t it enough that he was intelligent, great-looking, and much nicer than she’d ever imagined? “You’re so full of it.”

He grinned and turned onto a narrow side street that ran above the Stone Canyon Reservoir. “You gave me my daughter back. You gave me a new career. I’m almost afraid to say it, but for the first time in longer than I can remember, I’m happy.”

The interior of his Lexus was suddenly too small. It grew even more intimate as he swung onto a dark, unpaved road, pulled the car into the scrub, and lowered the windows. She sat up straighter as he killed the engine. “Any reason you’re stopping here?”

“I’m hoping we can make out.”

“You’ve got to be kidding.”

“Look at it from my viewpoint. I’ve been wanting to touch you all evening. I’d definitely prefer the comfort of a nice couch, but I can hardly expect you to invite me in if you won’t even agree to a date. So I’m improvising.”

“Paul, I’m your agent! Call me crazy, but I have a policy of not making out with my clients.”

“I understand. If I were you, I’d have the same policy. Let’s do it anyway. Just to see what happens.”