She knew what would happen. Oh, God, did she ever. His sexual magnetism had become more difficult to ignore every time they were together, but she had no intention of screwing up her already screwed-up career. “Let’s not.”

The automatic headlights, which had been illuminating a swath of chaparral and scrub oak, switched off, cocooning them in the soft, warm darkness. “Here’s the thing.” He unsnapped his seat belt. “I’ve let logic rule my life for years, and frankly, it hasn’t worked out that well. But I’m an actor now, which officially makes me a maniac, so I’m going to start doing what I want. And what I want”—he leaned into her and pressed his lips over hers—“what I want is this…”

All she had to do was turn away. Instead, she let herself enjoy his taste…his scent…The heady, intoxicating rush. She wanted more.

But her days of sacrificing her best interests for a quick thrill were long over. She sank her hands into his hair, kissed him deeply, thoroughly, then pulled away. “That was fun. Don’t do it again.”

Paul hadn’t really expected anything else. But he’d hoped. He stroked her cheek with his knuckle. She wouldn’t believe him if he told her he was falling in love with her, so he didn’t intend to. He could hardly believe it himself. At the age of fifty-two, he was finally falling in love again, and with a woman he’d known for years. But even in the days she’d let him bully her, he’d been physically attracted.

He’d always liked women with rounded corners and soft edges. With fluffy hair and eyes the color of Armagnac. Smart, independent women who knew how to make their own way in the world, who enjoyed food, and were more interested in talking to the person in front of them than checking their cells. The fact that he hadn’t let himself get close to anyone with those qualities only proved how determined he’d been to keep himself safe from all the messy emotions that had nearly destroyed him.

But even though he’d been physically attracted to Laura, he hadn’t respected her, not until the day she’d stood up to him. As he’d witnessed her integrity, her caring, she’d gotten under his skin, and she’d sealed the deal when she’d finally made him remember he was an actor. She’d known what he needed before he knew it himself.

These past weeks he felt reborn, sometimes as wobbly legged as a newborn colt, other times filled with a sense of rightness. He couldn’t believe he’d allowed himself to stay lost for so long. Only his concern for Georgie shadowed his perfect contentment. That and the nagging worry he wouldn’t be able to get past the very sensible barriers Laura would insist on maintaining between them.

But he had a game plan, and tonight he’d made his first move by letting her know that more than business lay between them. He intended to take it slow from here so she had plenty of time to adjust to the idea that they belonged together. There’d be no sudden moves. No baring of the soul. Just a patient, deliberate pursuit.

Then her purse slipped from her lap, and as she bent over to retrieve it, she bumped her forehead against the glove compartment, and his plan dissolved. “Laura, I’m falling in love with you.”

He was so stunned to hear himself say it aloud that her burst of laughter barely registered. “I know it’s crazy,” he said, “and I don’t expect you to believe me, but it’s the truth.”

Her laughter grew brighter. “I never knew you were such a player. You don’t really think I’m going to fall for a line like that.” Still laughing, she rubbed her forehead and gazed into his eyes. She took her time, paying attention as she always did. Tilting her head. Taking him in. Gradually her laughter faded, and her lips parted ever so slightly. Then she did something that truly shocked him. She read his mind. “My God,” she said. “You’re serious.”

He nodded, unable to speak. Long seconds ticked by. He gave her the time she needed. Her bra strap slipped off her shoulder. She blinked.

“I’m not in love with you,” she said. “How could I be? I’m only getting to know you.” She pinned him with those brandy eyes. “But ohmygod, am I ever in lust, and I swear to God, if this doesn’t work out, and you even think about firing me”—she unsnapped her seat belt—“I will blackball you with every casting agent in town. Is that understood?”

“Understood,” he said, just before she attacked.

It was glorious. She cupped his jaw in both her hands and let their mouths play. As she offered him the sweet tip of her tongue, a wash of tenderness made his arousal all the more powerful. He slid far enough out from beneath the steering wheel for her to slip a knee over his thigh. Her flyaway hair brushed his cheek. Their kiss grew more urgent. He had to touch her, feel her. He curled his palms around her sides. Beneath the thin silk of her dress, her flesh was a poem of sensuality.

“I love you,” he whispered, no longer caring about his game plan.

“You’re a lunatic.”

“And you’re a delight.”

He hadn’t done anything like this in a car since he was seventeen, and it was no more comfortable. He fumbled for her zipper and managed not to make a muddle of lowering it. His hands slid inside her dress. He touched her bra.

“This is insane.” She groaned against his mouth as he peeled her bra down far enough to suckle her. Her fingers plowed through his hair, and her head fell back.

The car had become their enemy. She pulled at his shirt, scratching him with her ring. Somehow he lifted her far enough so he could slide beneath her into the passenger seat, but not before he caught an elbow in the jaw and her knee jabbed his side. Finally, she straddled him. With their mouths still joined, he reached under her skirt…

Their caresses grew hotter. Her hand, bawdy and wise…Clothes in the way. Another lush kiss, and then he was inside her. Loving her. Filling her. Pleasuring her. Claiming her as his own. The sounds of their groans, their breath, their melding bodies, rushed in his ears. She clutched him. Went rigid. They hung…suspended…flying…dissolving.


ard he stepped out of the car to decompress and surreptitiously eased a kink from his back. She joined him a moment later.

“That,” she said matter-of-factly, “was crazy-ridiculous. Let’s pretend it never happened.”

He gazed up at the stars. “Perfect. Then we can look forward to our first time.”

Her toughness slipped away, leaving concern behind. “You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?”

“Yep.” He put his arm around her. “And I’m just as shocked as you.”

“Amazing. You’re an amazing man, Paul York. I’m looking forward to making your acquaintance.”