“There are two men standing under a tree out there, smoking. There’s no way they won’t see us leaving. With two outside, that means there are still two inside.”

She swallowed tightly, wondering how he knew that. “What are we going to do?”

He reached out and pushed back a lock of hair that had fallen in her face, then gave her a slight smile. “Before climbing in through the window I contacted Special Agent Warner to apprise him of this location. The FBI should be on their way to arrest Clearwater and his thugs. However, for us it’s time to implement Plan B.”

She was wondering what Plan B was when she remembered something that he needed to know. “That guy who broke into my condo--the one you killed? He’s the brother of the one in charge here. He wanted revenge and was hoping the guys he left behind would take care of you. If he discovers you’re still alive, then…”

Lennox didn’t want to think of what that would mean, especially now that they couldn’t escape through the window.

“Then he will be disappointed yet again,” Roland said, leaning down and placing another kiss on her lips. “Let’s stand over here,” he said, taking her hand and leading her to the other side of the room and away from the window and the door.

“So what’s Plan B?” she asked.

He smiled. “If we can’t get to the Jeep, then we’ll bring the Jeep to us,” he said, pulling the fob out of his pocket. He spoke into it. “We are ready to go. Use backside of dwelling. Window two.”

Lennox watched in amazement as he put the fob back in his pocket. “You can tell the Jeep to come and get us?”


“But won’t it be seen?”

“It won’t matter by then. Just be ready. Get in on the driver’s side and scoot over. Once we’re inside, we’re safe. The windows are bulletproof.”

Suddenly, several things happened at once. The door to the room opened and the man named Clearwater and another man was there. At the same time, there was a huge crash, and the Jeep came barreling through the back wall where the window was located.

“Get in!” Roland ordered as he exchanged gunfire with the men, striking one.

Doing as Roland commanded her to do, she got in the Jeep and then scooted over to the passenger side and snapped on her seatbelt. Still exchanging gunfire with the lone man, Roland got inside and closed the vehicle door behind him.

There was no way they would have survived if the windows hadn’t been bulletproof. Because now, they were being fired upon by three guns. The men who’d been outside smoking had joined in, shooting at them as well.

Roland backed the Jeep out the building and was about to take it to the road when Lennox said, “Look, Roland!”

Cars were coming toward them. “That’s probably the men who were sent to get me,” she said.

“Or it could be the FBI,” Roland said. “But I’m not going to assume it’s them.”

When the cars in front of them also began firing, Roland said, “Since they’re now shooting at us, I guess we can safely conclude they aren’t the good guys.”

Lennox looked behind them. The men from the cabin had gotten in their cars and were now after them. They were cornered—not able to go forward or backward.

“Hold on!” Roland made a quick turn to the left. It was plain to see they were headed toward a huge lake—not a good thing when there were several cars after them, still shooting wildly.

It was too late to turn around and as if the drivers of the other cars had figured as much, they’d spread out. There was no way for her and Roland to go but in the water.

She glanced over at him. “Is this where you ask me if I can swim?” she asked, trying not to panic.

“No. Just hold on.”

Instead of slowing down, Roland increased the Jeep’s speed. She threw up her hands to cover her face and released a scream the moment the Jeep plunged into the water.

“It’s okay, Lennox. We’re okay.”

She lowered her hand from her face and glanced around, not believing it. The Jeep had become a water vehicle and was now moving effortlessly across the lake. What in the world!

“It seems law enforcement has finally arrived.”

With Roland’s words, she glanced behind her and saw flashing blue lights surrounding the cars that had been chasing after them. “Are we going back?”