He pressed the fob, spoke a specific code and then said, “Show view of dwelling’s exterior.”

Roland watched as a diagram appeared on the screen attached to the dashboard. There were two back windows and two side windows. He then said, “Show interior of dwelling.”

The interior showed it was a cabin similar to the one he and Lennox had been in last night. “Show human bodies,” he then ordered.

The screen flashed the location of humans. It seemed one was pacing--probably the man named Clearwater. More than likely, he was wondering what was taking his men so long to return. The bastard probably thought they’d had more than enough time to kill Roland. After all, it had been four against one.

Two other men appeared to be sitting at a table near a side window. Roland’s gaze studied the imagery showing the other room with a window. Inside it was another human body, sitting in a chair. He was sure it was Lennox, held in that room with a back window. He had no idea what shape she was in, but at least he knew she was alive.

Deciding to give the Feds another chance to do the right thing, he called Warner.

“Special Agent Warner here.”

“I hope that, by now, your men have picked up the guys I left for you at what used to be your safehouse.”

“We did. Where are you and Dr. Roswell now?”

“They grabbed her while I was fighting. But I was able to track them to a cabin an hour away.”

“Track them? How? Did one of the men give you information? They aren’t talking for us.”

“No, I didn’t bother to ask them anything.”

“Then how were you able to track them?”

Roland wasn’t going to explain anything. “Like I said, I’m at the cabin. I’m going in now to get Lennox out of there.”

“Summers, tell me where you are and wait for backup.”

“Like hell, I will. I’ll let you know where your men can come to make arrests later.” Or where they could come to pick up bodies to deliver to the morgue, he thought.Whoever this Clearwater was, he and his men would rue the day they took Lennox. Without saying anything else to Warner, Roland clicked off the phone.

He got out of the Jeep and went around to the trunk to grab his gear. It was show time.

LENNOX BLINKED, COMING AWAKEafter crying herself to sleep. Had she heard a noise at the window? She glanced over in that direction, but since the curtains were drawn, she hadn’t been able to see a thing. The sound had probably just been her imagination.

Suddenly, she heard it again. Was one of those lecherous men planning to come in through the window to rape her? Did they expect her not to scream, since Clearwater had told her not to make a sound?

Fear clogged her throat when she saw the curtain move, which meant the window was open. She was about to scream at the top of her lungs when suddenly the curtain was pushed aside and she saw the man whose face appeared.


She had to fight back a shout of happiness. He was alive! How had he survived? But she knew--for Roland, four against one was no contest. But how had he discovered where they’d taken her? It was as if he had a built-in radar where she was concerned

He smiled and placed a finger to his lips. She nodded in understanding before he proceeded to climb through the open window without making a sound. She couldn’t stop the tears that welled in her eyes at seeing him. Although his clothing indicated he’d been in a scuffle, he looked good. She didn’t have to wonder how the men he’d fought looked, if they were still alive.

He closed the curtains and then quickly came to her. In one smooth swipe with his knife, he cut through the zip-ties, freeing her hands and feet. Then he scanned her features and seeing the tears in her eyes, he wiped them away with his fingertips before pulling her into his arms and covering her mouth with his.

She wasn’t sure how he could take the time to kiss her, but was glad he did. She needed it. And from the way he was taking her mouth, it seemed he needed it as well.

He finally broke off the kiss. “I thought you were dead,” she whispered, fighting back more tears.

He leaned close to murmur in her ear. “As you can see, sweetheart, I am very much alive.”

She glanced at the door. “We need to leave, Roland. I heard Clearwater, the guy in charge, tell his boss on the phone that I was here. They are sending more men for me.”

“Then they’ll be disappointed to find you gone.” Roland took her hand and led her over to the window. He looked out and then cursed.

“What is it, Roland?” she asked in a quiet voice.