He snorted and shook his head, rather like a bull getting ready to charge. And what he would likely do was charge her right out of his room.

She mustered a placating smile. “I admit we were rather assertive in our efforts to persuade you—”

“I believedragoonedwould be a better term.”

“No one dragoons you anywhere, sir. You’re the most—” She was about to say pigheaded, but that would likely result in her immediate ejection from his room.

“You were saying, Lady Sabrina?” he asked with sarcastic politeness.

“I was going to say that you are the most strong-willed person I’ve ever met. I doubt anyone could force you to do anything.”

“Except for you, apparently.”

He took her arm and steered her to the leather club chair in front of the now cheerily burning fire. He’d obviously stoked it for her comfort.

“All right, lass. Sit yourself down and say your piece.”

He retreated a few steps to lean against the fireplace mantel. Still he loomed over her, his broad shoulders, brawny frame, and long legs backlit by the flickering from the grate.

Really, the man was ridiculously impressive. Overpowering, really. And they were alone, in his bedroom. They’d been alone before, but never under such intimate circumstances.

“Well?” he prompted. “What’s with the skulking about and the inappropriate nighttime visits?”

Sabrina decided it was a waste of time to be shy with Graeme Kendrick. “I never skulk. As for inappropriate, desperate times call for desperate measures.”

He frowned. “What does that mean?”

“We will be arriving at my father’s estate tomorrow. I wish to know how you plan to proceed.”

His frown deepened into one of puzzlement.

She twirled a hand. “With your investigation, I mean.”

“Well,” he said, drawing out the word into a long, sardonic syllable, “I rather thought I’d wait until someone tried to kidnap you and then arrest them.”

“Can you actually arrest people?” she doubtfully asked.

Graeme rubbed an exasperated hand over his face. “I was joking, Sabrina.”

“I knew that.”

“You bloody well did not. And I’m hoping we can avoid the kidnapping part—or worse—which is why I objected to this mad venture. It’s making me insane to see you keep putting yourself in danger.”

Instead of offending her, his words made her flush with pleasure. “I have every confidence we will avoid such calamities.”

“I wish I shared your confidence. But we’re going in blind. We have no idea of the troubles that could await us.”

She also suspected they were walking into a mess, but one that had more to do with her father’s neglect than with any real threat to her.

“I know, but I think you worry too much.”

“And you don’t worry enough.”

“I find that it generally does no good. It only makes one grumpy,” she pointedly added.


“I have to do this, sir. With or without you.”