He tilted his head. “Why?”

“You know why.”

They’re gazes locked and held with an intensity Sabrina felt in every part of her body. It seemed as if Graeme were trying to read both her mind and her heart. It was disconcerting, and . . . wonderful.

Wonderful because he truly cared about what she thought.

“It’s because you’re a kind, good lass,” he finally said. “Because you want to make things right. But sometimes you can’t make them right, Sabrina, no matter how hard you try.”

She suspected that last bit was more about him than her.

“It’s still important to try, though,” she said. “And besides, I don’t think this is one of those times. If there has been mismanagement at Lochnagar, I can fix it. What else am I to do with all this money I have? Father and I are disgustingly rich, you know.”

“I do know,” he dryly replied.

And it clearly bothered him.

“Then you also know my family is responsible for the people who depend on us for their very well-being. And if my father is not capable of carrying out that responsibility, it falls on me to do it.”

“I don’t think that’s necessarily—”

“Are you suggesting I’m incapable because I’m a woman?”

He scoffed. “You’re a force of nature, Sabrina. I pity the man who stands in your way.”

“Then don’t stand in my way.”

“I’ m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

“You are absolutely impossible to argue with.” He glowered down at her.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”


“Would Lord Arnprior allow a similar situation on his estate?”

Graeme blew out a frustrated breath. “Of course not. But Nick can take care of himself.”

She flashed her most winning smile. “And I have you to take care of me, do I not?”

While he studied her with a narrowed gaze, her heart thumped. Then he finally gave a nod—rather reluctantly, but a nod for all that. It made her shaky with relief.

“Thank you, sir. I am deeply grateful.”

He gave her a flourishing bow. “I live to serve, my dear lady.”

I hope so.

What she really hoped for was a good-night kiss. How to prompt such a display, however, eluded her.

Graeme started for the door. “It is now officially late, so I’ll escort you to your room.”

She jumped to her feet. “Wait. There’s . . . there’s something else we need to discuss.”

His sigh was resigned. “Which is?”