The messy blob of sealing wax on the back of the crinkled parchment was already broken.

She flashed Angus an exasperated glance. “You read it?”

He shrugged, clearly unrepentant.

Irritation was replaced by horror as she scanned the cramped handwriting.

“Aye, the lad’s been kidnapped,” said Angus.

“My God,” Ainsley gasped.

“By Old Bill.” Sabrina’s heart was racing so quickly it was hard to talk. “And he’s demanding a ransom.” She handed the note to Royal.

“How did you get this?” Royal asked Angus.

“I’d lost sight of Graeme. I was worried, so I went outside to the carriages to look for him. That’s when this scaly fella showed up. Said not to make a fuss or Graeme would get plumped. Said to bring the note to the lass.”

Sabrina tried to think past the cold terror that had settled in her brain. She didn’t need to understand much cant to know whatplumpmeant. If she didn’t pay the ransom, Graeme would be murdered.

“I’m going to get Nick,” Royal said. “Then we’ll—”

“No,” Sabrina snapped. “It clearly states thatI’mto bring the money to the Wee Black Dog, and I’m to come alone. I’m to do so within the next hour, or the consequences will be . . .” Her throat closed.

Ainsley rested a hand on her shoulder. “Kendricks are exceedingly hard to kill, pet. We’ll figure it out.”

“The Wee Black Dog’s not far from here,” Grant said in a low voice. Fortunately, the noise from the stage was loud enough to cover their fraught conversation. “If we get Nick, and the footmen from the carriage—”

Sabrina chopped down a hand to stop him. “The note isveryclear. No raising the alarm. I willnotendanger your brother’s life.”

Grant shoved a frustrated hand through his hair, making it stand straight up. He looked so much like his twin that Sabrina wanted to burst into tears. This was her fault. Graeme had been right about Old Bill all—

You can blame yourself later.

“You all need to trust me,” she firmly said.

“We do,” Ainsley said. “But Graeme will kill us if we just let you waltz into danger.”

“The decision isn’t up to him.”

Royal let out a low curse. “If you want to pay the ransom, let me go instead.”

“Dinna think that’ll work,” Angus said. “Old Bill’s fashed that Sabrina took away his best rum diver, so he wants to lord it over the lassie for getting a jump on him. No tellin’ what he’ll do to Graeme if we don’t do as the bastard says.”

“Splendid,” growled Royal. “Nothing like a spot of revenge to keep everything orderly.”

At least Tilly and Charlie were safely out of Bill’s reach. They had departed for London yesterday. But if anything happened to Graeme, Sabrina would absolutely die.

She stood and began to gather her things. “We need to leave immediately.”

“Hang on,” Grant said. “We need a plan.”

“Not to mention fifty pounds,” Royal said. “I doubt any of us are carrying such a sum on our persons.”

“I am,” replied Sabrina. “I have it in my reticule.”

Ainsley blinked. “You do?”

“It’s rather a habit of mine.”