“It’s Graeme’s story to tell, I’m afraid.” Grant flashed her a wry grin. “I think with a wee bit of effort, you might be able to winkle it out of him.”

“If only he would stay in one place so I could try,” she joked.

“Och, he’s a hardhead, but don’t give up. Graeme may think he wants you to run up the flag and surrender, but he actually doesn’t.”

“That’s a bit confusing.”

“Welcome to life in Clan Kendrick.” Grant’s green gaze turned serious. “I think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Graeme, my lady. It won’t take much for him to realize that. He just needs a little push.”

“A very large shove, rather,” she said with a sigh. “At least one can’t accuse him of fortune hunting.”

“No, Graeme doesn’t care about money.”

“Unfortunately. Otherwise perhaps I could bribe him into marrying me.”

When she clapped a hand over her mouth, appalled by her tactless remark, Grant laughed.

Ainsley twisted around to smile at her brother-in-law. “Well, have you convinced her yet?”

Grant waggled a hand.

Sabrina grimaced. “Goodness, this is embarrassing.”

“Embarrassing people is a Kendrick specialty,” Ainsley said.

“So I have noticed.”

“And I’ve noticed how difficult it is to watch this bloody play with you lot chattering like magpies,” Royal said.

“This play is entirely silly,” Ainsley replied. “Besides, you’ve been eavesdropping, too.”

“I leave that particular activity to you, my love.”

“Only because you know I’ll share everything with you later.” Ainsley winked at Sabrina. “No secrets in this family, as you’ll soon find out.”

Sabrina shrugged. “I don’t suppose I’ll have a chance to find out, since I’ll be returning to London with the king.”

“Vicky and I both feel you should remain with us for the summer. That will give us plenty of time to mount a campaign. Graeme won’t stand a chance against our combined forces.”

Did Sabrina say embarrassing? Utterly mortifying, more like it.

She mustered the remaining shreds of her dignity. “You’re all so kind, but I cannot throw myself at a man who is not interested in me.”

“Disinterest is not the issue,” Ainsley said. “I can assure you of that.”

Assurances or not, Sabrina had her pride, and she refused to chase after a man who couldn’t make up his mind about her. “It doesn’t—”

She broke off when Angus slipped in through the door. “We’ve got trouble,” he said.

Royal leaned forward, peering in the direction of the royal box. “Is it the king?”

“Is Vicky all right?” Ainsley asked quickly.

“They’re all fine,” Angus said. “It’s Graeme.”

Grant jumped up. “What’s wrong?”

Angus handed Sabrina a note. “This came for the lass.”