That was discouraging, since the clock was ticking down. Soon, she would be leaving Edinburgh with the king.

“I particularly liked that last scene,” Grant added. “What did you think of it?”

Sabrina realized she couldn’t remember a single thing about any scene in the blasted play. “I’m forced to admit I haven’t been paying attention. How dreadful of me.”

Grant’s smile was wry but kind. Physically, he and his brother were all but mirror images, and there was obviously a profound connection between them. They seemed to need no words to understand each other, sometimes exchanging looks that obviously contained entire conversations.

But there were great differences, too. Grant was a gentle giant, quiet and kind. A peaceful sort of person, he seemed most content in the company of his family. Graeme, in contrast, had a restless energy often barely contained. Underneath that gentleman’s exterior lurked a Highlander warrior, fierce and dominating and even a wee bit uncivilized.

If Sabrina had a brain in her head, she’d prefer the peaceful gentleman to the hard-bitten warrior. Sadly, it would appear she did not have much of a brain when it came to Graeme Kendrick.

“You are the opposite of dreadful,” Grant replied. “It’s my stupid brother who’s dreadful for neglecting you.”

“There’s absolutely no reason for Mr. Ken . . .” She trailed off when Grant raised a sardonic eyebrow.

How mortifying. She’d done a splendid job of hiding her feelings from Graeme, but not from the rest of his family.

“I’m his twin,” Grant explained. “I practically live in his head.”

“That must be interesting.”

He grinned. “It can be rather confusing at times. But I know exactly where he wishes to be at this very moment. And it’s where heshouldbe, if he weren’t so pigheaded.”

“No, it’s me,” Sabrina said with a sigh. “I annoy him.”

Graeme seemed to bring out the worst in her—or the best. Honestly, she couldn’t decide which.

“You do annoy him, but not for the reasons you think.”

She gave Grant a quizzical smile.

“He’s afraid of you,” Grant explained.

Sabrina choked on a startled laugh. “That cannot be. I’m neither intimidating nor very special.”

“You are very special, indeed, Lady Sabrina, and Graeme is painfully aware of that fact.”

She tried to ignore the pleased fluttering behind her breastbone, as well as the conviction that this was a highly inappropriate conversation. Grant was Graeme’s brother—his twin, which made it even worse.

Yet that also meant talking to Grant was the closest thing to talking to his brother. And since Graeme wouldn’t talk to her . . .

“Mr. Kendrick’s actions don’t seem to reflect such an opinion,” she cautiously replied.

“He doesn’t think he deserves you.”

She blinked. “What an odd notion for him to take up. His brother is an earl, and the Kendricks are a distinguished family.”

Grant raised an eyebrow. “Is it odd?”

Sabrina couldn’t help scowling. “Your brother is a brave, kind, and incredibly decent man. Any woman with a grain of sense should realize that.”

He nodded. “While I happen to think my brother deserves the world, he doesn’t see it that way.”

“Why not?”

“It has much to do with our family’s past.” Grant frowned. “And more recent events, I suspect, although I’m not entirely sure.”

“I suppose you couldn’t give me a hint?”