She’d just kissed him until his eyeballs practically rolled back into his head. With the exception of her pink cheeks, however, she seemed remarkably unaffected.

“I certainly noticed,” he acidly replied.

She shot him a sharp glance and then went back to checking her skirts. “Oh, bother. This fabric wrinkles at the slightest touch. I do hope no one notices.”

“Is that all you’re going to say?” Graeme demanded.

She tilted her head. “What do you want me to say?”

“Lass, we were just kissing like maniacs in a secluded alcove. A very secluded alcove.”

Her smooth brow crinkled. “Do you want me to apologize?”

“No,” he growled.

“Doyouwant to apologize?”

“I should, except you were the one who kissed me first.”

“I certainly didn’t notice you objecting.”

“Uh . . . did you want me to?” he asked.

She ignored his response. He didn’t blame her, since he sounded like a moron.

Carefully, Sabrina patted her shiny curls. “How does my hair look?”

Graeme had the sense he was staring at her like a dumb ox. She truly didn’t seem the least bit disconcerted by their passionate kiss.

“Er, fine?”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re hopeless, Graeme Kendrick.”

“You wouldn’t be the firstSassenachto make that observation.”

“I am shocked to hear that.”

With a sigh, he took her hand and led her back to the ballroom.

Chapter Fifteen

The dratted man was avoiding her again.

Sabrina had thought they’d made excellent progress at the Caledonian Hunt Ball, when Graeme had literally swept her off her feet into the most thrilling moment of her life. His passionate kiss in that secluded alcove had muddled her insides and resolved all doubts.

She was in love and wanted to spend the rest of her life with Graeme Kendrick.

At the time, she’d thought it best to make light of that kiss instead of overwhelming him with an impetuous declaration of her feelings. Nor had she wished to raise a fuss about improper behavior—hers, for the most part. For a man who engaged in so reckless a profession as spying, Graeme had turned out to be a high stickler about kisses and such.

In retrospect, she’d underplayed her hand. That he’d turned skittish again was now frustratingly clear. For the last few days, Graeme had managed to be where she was not, with annoying consistency.

“Are you not enjoying the play, Lady Sabrina?” murmured Grant Kendrick.

She’d been so lost in thought about the man who was driving her demented that she’d forgotten about the one sitting next to her in the Theatre Royal box. Ainsley and Royal were seated in front of them, watching the performance, while Angus was . . . Well, she didn’t know where the old fellow had gone off. Sabrina was so distracted by her mental meanderings that she’d not seen him leave.

She dredged up a smile for Grant, who was so like his twin and yet not. “It’s an outstanding performance. Sir Walter has outdone himself.”

The command performance ofRob Roywas one of the final engagements of the king’s visit. His Majesty was seated in the royal box with members of his entourage, including Lord and Lady Arnprior. Graeme was somewhere in the theater, too. Sabrina had caught a glimpse of him coming in, but he’d yet to join the rest of the Kendrick family in their box.