“Where is Magnus now?” Sabrina asked.

“I brought him to the pub to speak to old Mr. Chattan. Mr. Monroe is keeping an eye on him.” Brown grimaced. “They’re demanding a ransom. Magnus was to pass a note to you through a servant at Lochnagar. One of the demands is that you bring the ransom money yourself, Lady Sabrina.”

“Good God,” Royal said, disgusted. “Not this again.”

Sabrina waved an impatient hand. “Why didn’t Magnus come directly to me for help?”

“He’s frightened.” Brown shrugged. “And he trusts me.”

She nodded. “I’ll go fetch my purse.”

And she’d need to get a few of the jewels she’d brought on this trip. If she and Graeme persisted in getting held up and kidnapped, she’d soon have nothing left to wear.

Royal put out a restraining hand. “Hang on. We need a plan—and help. Vicar, do you think any of the villagers would be willing to assist?”

“Possibly,” Brown said. “I can’t be sure.”

“Blast. Because they don’t trust me yet,” Sabrina said.

The vicar gave a helpless shrug.

Royal grimaced. “We don’t dare go charging into this situation without backup.”

“We’re not going to charge,” Sabrina said. “I’m simply going to bring the ransom and get Graeme back.”

“Sabrina, Barr hates you. There’s no telling what he would do once he got you in his clutches.”

“I’m afraid that’s true, my lady,” Brown said.

She flapped her arms. “Well, do any of you have a better idea?”

“You have to ask for help,” Ainsley calmly said. “Fromyourpeople.”

“But they don’t trust me.”

Ainsley shook her head. “That’s not clear. What theydoknow, however, is that you haven’t cut and run.”

Sabrina stepped on her panic. What choice was there? She had to trust that Ainsley was right.

“I need to speak to Magnus Barr,” Sabrina said, heading for the door. “And then we need to muster a rescue.”

The others scrambled after her into the hall.

“Royal, can you see that our horses are saddled?” Sabrina asked. “I’m going up to put on my riding boots and fetch my purse.”

He nodded and strode down the hall past a startled Mrs. Wilson.

“Mrs. Wilson, please fetch your husband,” Sabrina instructed. “I might need his help.”

“Aye, my lady.” She hurried off in Royal’s wake.

“What do you wish me to do?” the vicar asked.

“Keep Magnus at the pub, please. Tie him down if you must, but don’t let him leave.” She then dashed for the stairs.

Ainsley caught up with her. “That was very masterful. Graeme would be proud.”

“If anything happens to him . . .” Sabrina couldn’t even finish the thought.