“Graeme is the one member of this family whoisalmost indestructible. He has survived more mishaps than you can imagine.”

“One’s luck does eventually run out.”

“He doesn’t survive out of luck. Graeme is very capable. And very smart. He’s really quite formidable.” Ainsley pointed a finger at her. “Do not tell him I said that. He’ll get a swelled head.”

Despite her anxiety, Sabrina chuckled. “He already has one.”

“It’s an act. He’s really just a very nice boy.”

“He is rather nice, isn’t he?”

“Yes, and perfectly capable of looking after himself. He’ll be fine.”

Except he hadn’t been fine when Old Bill had gotten his hands on him. Graeme occasionally did reckless things. Sabrina had the feeling this could be one of those occasions.

When Royal came in, she twisted in her chair.

“Anything?” she anxiously asked.

“I’m afraid not. Brian confirmed that he went out riding shortly after breakfast and has not been seen since.”

“Drat the man,” Ainsley said. “What do you want to do?”

“I told Bobby to saddle up a few horses. We’re going to go out and look for him.”

Sabrina stood. “I’m going with you.”

Royal frowned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Graeme would kill me if I let you come along, especially if there turns out to be trouble.”

“I don’t care.”

Ainsley put aside her needlepoint. “Dearest, I don’t think—”

Mrs. Wilson stuck her head into the room. “My lady, the vicar is here. He’s insisting—”

Mr. Brown slid by the housekeeper. “I’m sorry to be impolite, Lady Sabrina, but we have a problem.”

“Is it Graeme?” she asked.

The vicar solemnly nodded. “Unfortunately, it would appear that Mr. Kendrick has been kidnapped by the Barr family.”

Sabrina pressed a hand to her suddenly roiling stomach. Royal muttered a curse.

“Do we know if he’s unharmed?” Ainsley quickly asked.

“As far as we know,” Brown replied.

Sabrina ignored her protesting insides. “How did you learn of this?”

“Rather unbelievably, one of the Barrs came to me looking for help. He’s not keen on kidnapping and is most unhappy with Jackie Barr.”

“Jackie Barr is the ringleader?” Royal asked.

“Correct,” the vicar replied. “Magnus is part of the smuggling ring, yet is rather a simple soul.”

“For a smuggler,” Ainsley dryly interjected.

“Most of the family is quite decent,” Brown earnestly said. “Jackie’s the true problem. He’s frightened his family into doing his bidding. But this business with Mr. Kendrick was too much for poor Magnus. He showed up on my doorstep less than an hour ago. I would have come sooner, but it took me some time to get the story out of him.”