He’d noticed that, too—not that it mattered. “The next one might not be wide. You’ll leave under Royal’s escort. I’ll stay behind and get to the bottom of this.”

Sabrina thrust out a hand. “I willnotleave you alone. You need people you can trust.”

“I can handle it.” Graeme glanced at Ainsley. “I suggest you ladies go upstairs and pack. You need to leave at first light.”

“May I suggest you cease giving orders inmyhouse,” Sabrina exclaimed.

Graeme closed the distance between them. “When I agreed to this stupid venture, I distinctly recall you promising to obey my orders.”

She tilted up a defiant chin. “Because I expected your orders to make sense.”

“Good God, Sabrina. Someone was shooting at you!”

“But how do you know the Barrs are actually trying to”—she whirled a hand—“actually kill me?”

“Because they have no bloody reason to kill me, ye daft girl.”

Royal frowned. “Who are the Barrs?”

“The smugglers,” Sabrina said. “The tenants evicted by Mr. Francis—the ones who threatened him.”

“My point exactly,” Graeme said. “They’re dangerous.”

“And that’s exactly why I cannot leave,” Sabrina retorted.

“That makes no bloody sense.”

Sabrina blew out a breath and glanced up at the ceiling, as if searching for patience. “I think we can agree that the Barrs are still in the vicinity.”

“Those bullets whizzing past our heads suggest as much,” Graeme grimly replied.

“Yes, but I’m not the only target. They’ve got most of the residents of Dunlaggan terrorized as well.”

“At Lochnagar, too,” Ainsley said. “The servants are obviously afraid to say anything.”

Royal snorted. “Except for Wilson, quite suddenly.”

“Perhaps he’s finally had enough,” Sabrina said. “Perhaps everyone has finally had enough. My father has neglected these people for too long, with dire results. It’s my responsibility to set things right.”

“You can do that later,” Graeme said.

Sabrina tilted her head. “Would your brother, Lord Arnprior, flee under similar circumstances?”

“Of course not, but he sure as hell wouldn’t let Vicky hang about in harm’s way.”

“Actually, dear,” Ainsley said, “I’m quite sure Vicky would insist on staying with Nick, come hell or high water. Nor would I leave Royal to face danger alone, either.”

Graeme scowled. “That is an incredibly unhelpful intervention.”

“Happens she’s right, lad,” Royal said. “Let’s not forget that Ainsley did save my life.”

“I don’t care if she’s right about other people. Sabrina is not staying.”

“I am most certainly staying,” Sabrina calmly replied. “If I let the Barrs run me off my own lands, no one in Dunlaggan or Lochnagar will ever trust my family again. This is my responsibility. I am incredibly grateful for your help, but I will not abandon my people.”

Ainsley nodded her approval. “Perfectly sound reasoning.”

“No, it’s not.” Graeme looked at Royal for backup.