The door opened, and Ainsley came out onto the top step. “Graeme, why are you manhandling Sabrina?”

“Because she won’t do as she’s told.”

“Becausesheis not a child,” Sabrina snapped. “I know exactly what happened, and why it’s a problem.”

“That remains to be seen.”

“I’ll just take the horses around to the stables, shall I?” called Royal.

“Royal Kendrick, get up here this minute,” Ainsley shouted. “Your brother is being an idiot, and you need to control him.”

Graeme ignored Ainsley as he hustled Sabrina into the hall, right past a startled Mrs. Wilson and into the main drawing room.

When he finally let go, Sabrina made a show of shaking out her skirts. “Really, Mr. Kendrick, your behavior—”

“Seems a wee bit over the top,” said Ainsley, joining them. “Graeme, is this really necessary?”

“Well, theywerebeing shot at,” said Royal as he strolled in. “So I can’t blame the lad for being fashed.”

Ainsley gasped. “Shot at? Sabrina, are you all right?”

Sabrina gave her a tight smile. “I’m fine. Mr. Kendrick pulled me out of harm’s way.”

Ainsley shot Graeme a questioning look.

“No one was injured. By the time Royal came along, the shooter had fled the scene.”

“Thank goodness.” Ainsley scowled at her husband. “I would have been most annoyed if any of you had been shot.”

Royal gave her a hug. “Och, no worries. We’re indestructible.”

She gave him a shove. “You Kendrick men always say that, but it’s not true. None of us is.”

“Exactly the point I’ve been trying to make to her blasted ladyship,” Graeme said. “This would not have happened if Sabrina hadn’t gone gallivanting off to have a cozy chat with that nincompoop of a vicar.”

“He’s not a nincompoop. He’s nice. And handsome,” Sabrina added in a snippy tone.

Ainsley grinned. “How handsome?”


Graeme was sure that lava would begin flowing from his ears at any moment. “May we please stay on point?”

“Which one?” Royal asked.

“The only one that matters—Sabrina and Ainsley leaving for Edinburgh in the morning. It’s obviously no longer safe for them here.”

Sabrina frowned thoughtfully, as if considering his assertion. Then she shook her head. “No.”

Graeme waited a few seconds. “That’s it? Just, no?”

“No, Mr. Kendrick?”


“Graeme’s not wrong, my lady,” Royal said, firmly cutting him off. “Getting shot at is no joking matter.”

“But the shots went wide.” She looked at Graeme. “Noticeably wide.”