“So, the answer must be that you are a coward, afraid of a weeSassenach. Even worse, afraid of her father, an elderly hypochondriac.” She sighed. “I must admit to feeling disappointed, after all the buildup. Highlanders are apparently all flash and no bang, rather like a squib gone awry.”
He narrowed his gaze. “So, it’s ferocious you want, is it?”
She curled her lip in a delicate little sneer. Even though Graeme knew she was baiting him, it worked. That blastedSassenachsneer worked.
“Aye, then ye’ll have it.”
She squeaked when he yanked her against his chest. But when he tipped up her chin and took her mouth in a decidedly ferocious kiss, Sabrina enthusiastically threw herself into the spirit of things. So enthusiastically that when she flung her arms around his neck, Graeme stumbled back into the mantel.
“Oh, oh, sorry,” she gasped. “Are you all right?”
“Stop talking.”
He held her jaw while he devoured the most luscious set of lips this side of Hadrian’s Wall. After a few moments, he was convinced they were the most luscious lips south of the wall, too. She lured him in with a siren’s call he could no longer resist.
Graeme had been resisting her for weeks. Now she was finally in his arms, kissing him like mad, ravishing him with a sweet, sensual urgency. Aye, she was a treasure, one he longed to claim.
So, claim her.
He let a hand drift down to her arse, gently squeezing her. Those curves were so delicious that he cupped her with both hands, kneading her pretty bottom as he nudged her with his rapidly burgeoning cock.
Sabrina swayed, as if unsteady on her feet.
Too much, you idiot.
Mentally sighing, he forced himself to ease off. Sabrina sank back on her heels, resting her head on his chest as she sucked in a shaky breath.
“All right, love?” he murmured as he cuddled her.
She looked up, a wavering smile parting her kiss-swollen lips. He’d been a wee bittooferocious, it seemed. But Sabrina was temptation beyond all earthly reason.
“Just a little wobbly in the knees.” She curled her hands into his shirt. “I hope you don’t mind if I hold on to you. It’s all a bit . . . overwhelming.”
It killed him to say it, but he did. “Lass, should I stop?”
“Graeme Kendrick, I practically had to hold a dirk to your throat to get you to kiss me. Why would I want you to stop?”
He raised his eyebrows.
“We’re simply kissing,” she said with an exasperated sigh. “There’s no need to be squeamish because I got wobbly.”
“I beg your pardon, my lady.”
He cast a quick glance over his shoulder at the bed.
Bad idea.
However . . . “I think I have a solution for your wobblies.”
She perked up. “Yes?”
Letting her go, he strolled to the club chair and settled into it, shifting to accommodate the now-massive erection straining against the fall of his breeches.
Sabrina stalked over, looking adorably stern. “And what am I supposed to do, pray tell?”
He wrapped his hands around her waist, picked her straight up, and plopped her onto his lap. She squawked, landing in a bit of a sprawl. Graeme carefully positioned her to straddle his thighs, which hiked up her gown and brought her pretty breasts to his eye level.