Even more delightfully, her round backside was now snug against his erection, with nothing between them but the fall of his breeches and her thin gown. The temptation to slip a hand under that gown and play with her dainty feminine flesh was, again, almost irresistible.

He would resist that, at least for now. But the thought of her tight channel clenched around him was so enticing that he flexed his hips, nudging against her once more. He couldn’t hold back a groan as her bottom pressed onto his cock.

Sabrina’s eyes popped wide. “My . . . my goodness.”

Graeme trailed a hand down to her thigh to play with the top of her garter. “Does this position take care of your wobbly knees?”

Her laugh was shaky. “Not really, but at least I won’t collapse onto the floor.”

“I’m hoping you’re going to collapse on me.”

He gently cupped her chin and brought her down for a kiss. With a happy sigh, Sabrina draped her arms around his shoulders and nestled close. Her mouth was honey and heat, and Graeme knew he could spend hours just kissing her.

But right now he had other plans, ones that included her breasts. To his way of thinking, it was long past time he got a good look at them.

When he gently bit her lower lip, she wriggled her delicious bottom, which did tremendous things for his erection. Leaving her mouth, he nibbled his way along her delicate jawline, gently nudging up her chin as he moved down her throat.

He paused to kiss and lick the tender hollow where her pulse fluttered. When she swayed, he slipped an arm behind her back to hold her steady. With his other hand, he gently tugged on her bodice. The tops of her breasts plumped up over the lace trim, delicious treats ripe for his mouth.

And just below that trim were her nipples. Already stiff, they pertly thrust against the fabric of her stays.

“Och, lass,” he murmured. “That’s the prettiest sight a man could ever see.”

When he curled a hand around her breast, Sabrina let out a sweet whimper that turned into a moan when he tweaked her nipple through the layers of clothing. God, she was responsive. He couldn’t wait to get her naked and underneath him.

She dug her nails into his shoulder. “Oh, Graeme!”

He rubbed his palm back and forth across the tight point. “Does that feel good, my darling girl?”

When she gave a frantic little nod and again wriggled her bottom, Graeme felt a lascivious grin curl up his lips. He tilted her back over his arm. Her breasts popped out even more, both nipples almost fully in view.

Bending over her, Graeme dragged his mouth over her plump curves. He dipped his tongue beneath the trim of her bodice to lick the taut point of one of her nipples.

Sabrina trembled in his arms. “Oh, oh,” she gasped.

She clamped a hand to the back of his head, keeping his face nestled against the swell of her breasts. Graeme could hardly breathe, but it was a sacrifice he was more than willing to make.

He’d hooked his fingers into the top of her bodice, about to tug it fully down, when a knock sounded on the door.

“Laddie, are you awake?”

Sabrina jerked in shock, toppling sideways. Graeme caught her as she instinctively flung out an arm, hitting the small table next to the chair. It crashed to the floor, along with the branch of candles and a half glass of whisky.

Royal banged again. “Graeme!”

“Oh, God,” Sabrina gasped. “Don’t let him come in.”

“Royal, stay—”

His brother barged into the room.

“What the—” Royal stopped dead. “Oh, hell.”

Graeme kept a firm hold on Sabrina as she started to scramble off his lap.

She swatted at him. “Let go.”

“You’ll fall on your arse if I do.”