“Thanks to you, from what I hear.”

“I simply smoothed the way. The king and Victoria did the rest.”

“You did more than that, lass. You not only helped bring Vicky and her father together, you apparently managed to convince Angus that old George isn’t his mortal enemy. That elevates you to sainthood in our family.”

“I do have a talent for managing fussy old men,” she said with another adorably smug smile.

Graeme was truly beginning to love that smile.

“You have a talent for managing more than just old men.” He deliberately let his voice go deep and rough.

She blushed, and he had to resist the impulse to trace the path of her rising color with his fingertip.

“Do . . . do you want to know what else your grandfather and the king talked about?”

He blinked when he realized he’d started to lean over, as if to kiss her. “Oh, ah, absolutely.”

Sabrina carefully patted her curls, obviously composing herself. “It was a bit awkward when Angus first appeared, since he was looking grumpy. But Victoria immediately introduced him and informed the king that Angus knew more about Highland traditions and culture than anyone she’d ever met.”

“Smart lass. That’s my grandfather’s weak spot.”

“He seemed a bit flummoxed, to tell you the truth.”

“Probably because he wanted to pick an argument with Old Georgie. But Vicky spiked his guns.”

“If so, it worked.”

Graeme shook his head. “But I can’t see Grandda giving over that easily. It’s still a bit of a mystery.”

“I believe the real breakthrough occurred when the king informed Angus that he was the first real Highlander he’d met since coming to Scotland. In fact, according to His Majesty, your grandfather is the very definition of a true Highland warrior.”

Graeme practically choked. “In that deranged outfit? He looks completely mad.”

“Not according to the king. He said that your grandfather’s belted plaid was heroic in the extreme. He only regretted that Angus was unable to complete the outfit with a dirk and a broadsword.”

“Och, he did not say that.”

“He did, indeed. In fact, I would now say that your grandfather is the king’s new favorite.”

Graeme stared at her as his brain tried to process the absurdity of that sentence.

A moment later, he burst into laughter, grabbing on to the window frame to keep from doubling over. Her assertion was the most hilarious thing he’d ever heard in his life.

“Mr. Kendrick,” Sabrina said, “perhaps you shouldn’t laughquiteso loudly. We don’t want to attract undue attention.”

“Of . . . of course,” he choked out, trying to get himself under control. But he couldn’t seem to manage it. Every time he thought of Angus larking about with the king . . .

Sabrina frowned. “Mr. Kendrick, really. You must contain yourself.”

He found her stern look hilarious, too.

“You started it with this ridiculous story,” he gasped.

She rose to her feet, alarmed. “Mr. Kendrick. You need to stop laughing, or you will force me to take action.” For good measure, she wagged an admonishing finger at him.

“Do your best,” he choked out as he tried to get himself under control.

“Very well, you leave me no choice.”