He glanced around the spacious room, assessing the situation. The king was under ample protection, as safe here as when he was locked away in his bedroom, guards stationed every ten feet. The Assembly Rooms were secure.

“I’ll tell you what the king said to your grandfather,” Sabrina added in a coaxing voice.

She was temptation incarnate. Graeme told himself itwouldbe good to know what Angus was up to, just in case.

“It would be wise to know, I suppose.”

Her smile curled into a full-on grin. Aye, she was a bright, sunny day, a dram of fine whisky, and a lingering kiss all rolled into a delicious package that was well nigh impossible to resist.

She tucked a hand in his arm as they headed to the main corridor. “There are some window alcoves. Perhaps we could open one of the windows and get a breeze.”

The alcoves were at the mostly deserted end of the hall and lit only by the occasional wall sconce or branch of candles. Curiously, Graeme found himself raising no objections.


He allowed her to lead him to the last window. Sabrina was a masterful little thing, which he found quite stimulating. His cock was also finding the situation quite stimulating, which was a trifle embarrassing, especially while wearing a kilt.

“It’s blessedly quiet here,” she said. “All that piping does get a bit much.”

“Spoken like a trueSassenach.”

She chuckled as she fumbled with the window latch.

“Allow me,” he said.

Instead of backing out of the way, Sabrina settled onto the window seat, primly folding her hands as he stretched beside her to grasp the latch. The lass certainly didn’t mind being close to him. Of course, he’d reached that conclusion the other day, when she’d so enthusiastically returned his kiss.

He swung the window open. When a cool breeze fluttered in, Sabrina closed her eyes and lifted her face, letting the air wash over her.

“That’s better,” she murmured.

It was indeed better, since it would take but a heartbeat to lean down and capture her pretty mouth in a ravishing kiss. It was madness to be this close, breathing in the delicate scent that drifted up from her smooth, pearly skin. He wanted to press his lips to the base of her throat and nibble his way along her bare shoulder to the poof of her little sleeve. Then he would push down that silly poof, and . . .

When her eyes opened, Graeme jerked back, banging his shoulder against the window frame.

“Goodness, Mr. Kendrick. Don’t hurt yourself.”

He mentally sighed. The lass was melting his brain and turning him into a clumsy oaf.

“I’m fine. Perhaps we’d best stroll toward the ballroom. It’s a wee bit secluded down here.”

“Nonsense. Another couple just walked by us a few moments ago.”

He leaned out to look. Sure enough, a man and a woman had just strolled past on their way back to the ballroom.

“And you call yourself a spy,” she teased.

“Apparently a bad one.” He propped his shoulder against the window frame. “All right, so tell me what George and my grandfather were talking about. Angus is not a fan ofSassenachsin general and royal ones in particular. Especially not that royal one.”

“I’ve been working on your grandfather. I told him how excited the king was to be here, and how much he wished to make up for the mistakes of the past.”

Graeme raised his eyebrows. “And Angus bought that?”

“Itistrue that the king is very enthusiastic about Scotland. I may have exaggerated a bit on the other point.”

He laughed.

“I also told him how much His Majesty has been looking forward to meeting Victoria.” Sabrina wrinkled her nose. “Angus was blustery about that at first, since the king has ignored her all these years. Fortunately, that is no longer the case.”