Page 129 of Last Duke Standing

This was perhaps the most important moment of her life.

She kept her gaze on William, saw the hint of a smile on his lips. He stood and bowed. “I think a knighthood is no’ necessary, Your Royal Highness.”

Lord Aleksander laughed.

Justine swallowed again. Her nerves, her blasted nerves, were trying to strangle her. But she wouldn’t have it. Not this time. She was a bit wobbly, but she sank down onto one knee. She heard the gasps behind her but she kept her gaze on William. “Lord William Douglas, Marquess of Hamilton and...and...”

“Clydesdale,” he said.

“Clydesdale,” she echoed. “Will you do me the honor of marrying me, of being my husband, and my prince consort, my helpmate, my love?”

Lady Bardaline, who had remained silent, suddenly cried out. “Your Royal Highness, you can’t!”

“Madam, please,” Amelia said. “You are ruining the moment!”

“This willneverbe allowed,” Lady Bardaline protested. “Your mother will not allow it!”

“Keep calm, madam. I’ve already sent a telegraph to Prime Minister Robuchard, informing him a match has been made,” Lila said.

“You’vewhat?” Lord Bardaline shouted.

“I beg your pardon!” Justine said loudly.

Everyone stilled.

“I’m in the middle of something here, and his lordship has not yet answered.”

William laughed. He came down on one knee, too, and took her hands in his. “Aye, ma’am, I will marry you. I will love you, adore you, protect you, advise you, defend you, and above all, I will serve you as my queen. That is, assuming Wesloria allows my citizenship.”

“Your Royal Highness,” Lord Bardaline said softly, trying a different tack than his wife. “Surely, you understand that the king must agree to any proposal of marriage.”

“Yes, I understand.” She smiled at William. “He will.”

William grinned. He stood up, took her hand and pulled her to her feet. And then he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her fully on the lips.

The room erupted into chaos behind her. Amelia was crying, someone was cheering and the Bardalines were shouting at Lila.

Justine didn’t care. She felt buoyant with love and gratitude and wonder and eagerness for the future. She felt as proud and as confident as she ever had in her life, her chest bursting with it. She’d made a decision for herself as the future ruler of Wesloria, and she was certain it was the best decision she would ever make.

The future suddenly looked bright.

She felt like a queen.

She was a queen.

THESAILINGWASput off for another five days, so that the Marquess of Hamilton could have his things packed and readied for the voyage. A flurry of telegraphs went back and forth between London and St. Edys, and there was still much negotiating to do, but the princess had been right—her heartfelt telegraph to her father had done the trick. No matter how much Queen Agnes and Prime Minister Robuchard might have objected—and Lila didn’t know that they had, but if they had—King Maksim was still king and approved of his daughter’s happiness.

Lila watched as carriages arrived at Prescott Hall to whisk Justine and William, Amelia and Dodi and all their trunks to the ship. “They are so much in love,” she said wistfully.

Valentin put on his long coat. “Are you coming?”

“I am.” She had just put the finishing touches on her note to be telegraphed to Robuchard, explaining to him that Princess Amelia needed a little time to mature, that was all.

Valentin bent over her at the desk and kissed the top of her head. “Do you know who else is in love?”

“I do,” she said and sealed the note, then stood up to hug her husband.