Page 130 of Last Duke Standing

One month later

JUSTINEANDWILLIAMwere in bed, their bare legs and arms wrapped around each other in lazy, post-coital satisfaction. She stared up at the embroidered canopy above them, feeling dreamy and sated. “Why is it that no one ever tells you how wonderful intercourse is?”

William laughed and kissed her shoulder. “You’re no’ supposed to like it,leannan.You’re to bear it as your duty.”

“But Iloveit.”

“Aye, you’re an insatiable little beast.”

“Je,I am, and thank the saints I have an insatiable husband.” Her fingers trailed down his chest, to his groin and below.

“What are you doing?”

“I don’t have to be dressed for another hour.”

“Your servants will tear down the door if you donna come out soon.”

She giggled. “Let them.” She kissed his mouth, then his chest and then moved down.

William had taught her about pleasure, how to give it, how to receive it. She often thought of what Queen Victoria had said about finding compatibility in the marriage bed. That was the best advice the English queen had given her. She and William were so in love, and confirmed it almost every day in this bed.

The transition for William had gone easier than Justine had anticipated. He loved Wesloria, he’d said, becauseshewas Wesloria. He’d made acquaintances, of course he had, because he was a personable man. And, naturally, he advised her, even when she didn’t want to hear it.

She’d returned to Wesloria to find her father gravely ill. The change in him after a summer away was profound. The royal physician had informed her that he likely wouldn’t live another month. Because of his deteriorating condition, her marriage had been a private affair. Everything had happened so quickly, before she’d had time to think.

At the end of the week her father intended to formally abdicate in favor of his heir. She would be coronated as sovereign immediately. William would swear his fealty and be made prince consort. And Seviana had made a delightful new collar for Dodi to mark the occasion.

It was all so fast and so dreadful...but Justine was at peace with it. She knew within a week of taking her wedding vows in the palace chapel that she’d made the right decision. She couldn’t imagine being queen for a moment without William. Not a single moment.

Later, when she finally emerged from her private chambers, Seviana winced at the state of her hair and immediately set about readying her. She was to open the new city library this afternoon.

She arrived with no time to spare, thanks to her reluctance to leave her bed and her husband. The distinguished guests were seated, and Justine was hurried up onto the platform to make her remarks. Her breath was short, and her scalp tingled uncomfortably, but she took a deep breath, pulled out her eyeglasses and put them on. She glanced at her mother to her right, who gave her a slight roll of her eyes. She glanced to William on her left. He smiled and gave her a subtle wink.

And then she looked at the sea of people before her. This would always be the hardest part for her, but she felt more confident than she ever had. She could practically feel William’s strength around her, and in that strength she’d discovered a part of herself she hadn’t known existed. It was astonishing—all it really took was for someone to believe in her to give her permission to believe in herself. That was what William had done for her.

She could do this. She could be a queen.

She could be anything.

She smiled at the people gathered.“Ledia et harrad,”she said clearly.“Bon mowen.”


Read on for a sneak preview ofThe Earl’s Inconvenient Houseguestby Virginia Heath

The first book in the compelling miniseries A Very Village Scandal

The Earl’s Inconvenient Houseguest

by Virginia Heath

Chapter One

February 1818

‘He is a former military man, apparently. Fought at Waterloo.’

Mrs Outhwaite leaned forward and lowered her voice to the circle of ladies unsubtly eyeing the latest arrival to Whittleston-on-the-Water with barely disguised interest. As openly staring didn’t sit well with Sophie, she instead made a great show of inspecting some apples on a market stall while surreptitiously sneaking the odd peek at their handsome and well-proportioned new lord of the manor while he loitered outside the smithy.