She opens her mouth, but no words come out.

“Is it money? Are you running from someone? Do you need protection?”

She draws in a shaky breath. “No, not at all.”

“Nah, don’t lie to me, Lexi. That’s gonna be a rule.”

She blinks with wide eyes but doesn’t speak.

“Tell me.”

Tears form in those beautiful blue eyes. “I got evicted today,” she admits, not quite meeting my gaze.

I nod, not surprised. I knew something had to be going on because she’s definitely not your usual bar floozy out to sink her claws into a rich guy. Nor is she just in it for the sex. She seemed surprised by her response to me last night. No, Lexi seems like a smart, normal girl who’s never done anything like this in her life. Which totally adds to her appeal. “Is your stuff still there, at your apartment?”

“Yeah. But I can’t get in and get it.”

I get up and fish my phone out of my trouser pocket. “What’s the address?” I ask, my thumb poised over the keypad.


“Because I’m going to get it back for you.” I raise my eyebrows to prompt her.

“3650 E. Walnut #254.”

“Landlord’s name and number?”

“Darrell Jones. I’ll get his number.” She pulls out her phone and scrolls through her contacts. “What are you going to do to him?”

I laugh. “What do you want me to do to him?”

“Nothing...I mean—”

I chuckle again. “I was just thinking along the lines of paying him enough to open up the place and let me move your stuff out.”

“Oh.” She looks embarrassed. “Sorry. I just...don’t know how all this works.”

“Did you think I was going to break his kneecaps?”

She shakes her head quickly in a way that tells me that’s exactly what she thought.

“I’m just an ordinary guy, Lex.” It’s not exactly true, but it’s the story I maintain. “I work in real estate and new construction. I use Family contacts to make deals, and I’m not above bending the law a bit to avoid paying Uncle Sam more than his fair share, but I’m not a thug.”Unless I need to be.

Her face flushes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“Come here.” I pull her face up to mine and kiss her. “I’m not offended. I think you’re cute.”

She ducks her face by looking down at her phone to find the landlord’s contact information, which she reads off to me.

I enter it into my phone, then give it to her. “Put your number in.”

She sends herself a text that says,This is Lexi. “Thank you.” She looks vulnerable. “I really appreciate it.”

I put a knuckle under her chin to lift her pretty face. “I will handle all your problems. I always take care of what’s mine,” I promise.

“You want me to owe you.”

I grin. “Smart girl.”