The corners of her lips quirk, and my dick thickens. I have mad chemistry with this woman.

“I’ll let you know how it goes with your landlord–whether I have to rearrange his face or not.” She looks up, and I wink. “Just kidding. I mean, I could go that route if you want.” I narrow my eyes, aggression suddenly flooding my veins at a thought. “Did he touch you?Hurt you?”

“No, no, no.”

“Screw you over?”

She shakes her head quickly, and I force myself to relax. “It was my fault. I got behind on rent and stupidly thought he’d let me keep chipping away at the balance.” She shrugs. “He didn’t.”

“Well, fuck him. You’re gonna love your new place. I’ll take you right now. Or as soon as you want.”

She picks up her second shot of tequila, downs it, then hops off the barstool. “I’m ready.”

I throw a hundred-dollar bill down on the bar for Stan, the bartender, and take her hand. I like that she’s not as nervous with me this time. She seems relieved–like she trusts me to take care of her.

I will. I definitely want to take care of her and her problems because I can tell she doesn’t deserve them.

* * *


“So tell me about this job you’re applying for,” Bobby says in the car, surprising me with what seems like genuine interest.

“It’s a trainer position for Stellar, a major hair product company. They’re looking for a representative to teach workshops on how to use their hair color.”

“Sounds great.”

“Yeah, it’s a great salary with benefits, but I don’t know if I have a real shot at it or not.”

“Why not?”

My face heats. “I don’t know…I mean, my work is good, but–”

“But what?”

I shrug. “I don’t know if it’s good enough.”

Bobby frowns. “No, fuck that,” he says. “Isit good enough?” There’s a demand in his voice, but it’s not unkind. I can tell he’s trying to coach me here.

I grow even hotter and shift in the Porsche’s seat as I consider the question. Do I really believe my work is good enough for me to be hired? Do I think I deserve this position? “Yeah.” I’m sort of surprised by my answer. “I’m good.” Admitting it out loud feels sacrilegious but also wonderful. Like I’d been hiding how good I was from the world for fear of getting singled out. Or having someone smack me down and tell me I’m not. I nod, a bubbling sense of enthusiasm growing in my chest. “I’m really good.”

Bobby grins. “Then own it, baby. You’re fantastic, and you deserve this position.”

I glance down at my hands clutching my purse in my lap. “I do.”

“Good girl. Send your portfolio in with that attitude, and they’ll hire you in a heartbeat.”

I lean back in my seat, feeling more comfortable. “Thanks.”

Bobby reaches over and squeezes my knees. “Don’t thank me. It’s all you, doll. You’re the one with talent here.”

As we drive, I sneak glances at him, remembering our sex the night before. I think of him naked--all chiseled muscle, dark, manly curls dusting his chest. Using him out of financial desperation isn’t really a sacrifice. He doesn’t seem like the kind who has to buy a lover. In fact, I’m surprised he doesn’t have women throwing themselves at his feet. Of course, maybe he does…

Either way, it doesn’t matter. This is a temporary situation, obviously. I won’t get emotionally involved because it’s not a real relationship. It’s more like a job or a position. A position that might be easy because of the great boss.

He drives to his apartment and parks in an underground parking lot, leading me to the elevator with his hand at my low back. He kisses me on the way up, and I melt with each persistent stroke of his tongue. By the time we reach his floor, my skin tingles for his touch.

“So this is the place.” Bobby tosses me the keys after he opens the door to his apartment. “The washer and dryer are in that closet over there. Garbage gets dumped in the bin in the parking garage. The cleaners come in every other Tuesday, around noon.”