He tilted his head. “Talk to me.”
“First he asked where I was and if I’d forgotten the gala.” I stepped back to get a little breathing room and gave him the highlights of the conversation, except the part where I’d agreed to have brunch in Baton Rouge.
Leo shook his head. “Why in fuck’s sake would Meriwether lie about you two living together?”
“I don’t know. It doesn’t make sense.” Or does it? Harry knew how much I loved my father. Until recently, the only thing we’d ever argued over was what he called my pathological need to please my dad.
Is this a ploy to manipulate me into accepting his proposal?
“Why didn’t you tell him it was bullshit?” Leo frowned and waved his hand as if to erase the question. “That came out wrong.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s a fair question.” While I appreciated him walking back his words, I knew him. He’d said the first thing that’d popped into his mind. “I plan to tell him I’m not living with, nor do I have any intentions of marrying Harry. I just didn’t want to get into it while he’s at a campaign function.”
“Fair enough.” Leo scratched his jaw. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but is it possible Harrison lied to your father to save you some grief?”
“How do you figure that?” I sat on the edge of the bed and hung my head. Any hope of a stress-free date was gone.
“I assume Harrison knows your father hates me and wouldn’t approve of your current living arrangements.” He plopped down beside me.
“I see where you’re going with this, but it still doesn’t make sense. If he was looking out for me, wouldn’t he have clued me in? Besides, I already told my father I wasn’t going to marry Harrison.” The images of the former Mrs. Meriwether’s bruised and battered face made me queasy.
Leo slung his arm around my shoulders. “We can sit here and speculate all night, or you can call him and ask.”
“Or we could pretend none of this happened and enjoy our date.” I rested my head on his shoulder.
He titled my face toward his and kissed my forehead. “That sounds good to me, but can you really do that?”
“No. You’re right. As much as I don’t want to, the only way to know for sure is to talk to Harry, but there’s no sense in calling him tonight. He won’t answer.”
“Should it worry me that you know his schedule?”
I nudged his side. “It’s Wednesday. He’s not in Iowa with my father, which means he’s playing poker with his friends.”
Leo stood and pulled me to my feet. “Then forget about it until tomorrow. None of this will matter after a couple glasses of wine.”
“You make a good point.” I slipped my arms around him.
He brushed my hair back from my face, or tried to. His fingers got stuck a few inches from my scalp. Furrowing his brow, he leaned forward and sniffed. “Is that strawberry jam?”
Groaning, I pulled back and folded my arms to hide the stains on my T-shirt. “Yes. Gunnar decided he wanted grape jelly after I’d made his PBJ.”
Leo chuckled. “Go take a long hot shower and meet me outside when you’re ready.”
After spending days locked in a condo with a two-year-old, the thought of a few moments to myself made me swoon. “You’ll listen for Gunnar?”
“Yes.” He set his hands on my shoulders and spun me in the direction of the bathroom. “Now go. I’ll have everything set up when you’re finished.”