Page 60 of Hot Momosa

“Better than okay.” He gave me a goofy smile. “How about you?”

“It’s good that it happened naturally.” I glanced down at our entwined fingers and smiled. “I should get in there before he picks out War and Peace.”

“In a hurry?” He wiggled his brows and a little piece of my heart melted.

“I’m looking forward to that dinner you promised me.” Earlier that morning, I’d complained about going stir-crazy locked up in the condo. With the paparazzi setting up permanent residence on the street below, I didn’t dare go out. Leo had suggested we have a date on the roof.

“Go read Gunnar a story. I’ll have Stuart pick up our food.” He leaned forward as if to kiss me.

While I still had my doubts we’d ever be a normal couple, I’d wanted his lips on mine since the night he’d told me he loved me. I inched closer and closed my eyes.

My phone rang, ruining the moment.

“Answer it. I’ll take story duty.” Leo stood and helped me to my feet. “But the cell gets turned off when we officially start our date.”

“Deal.” I glanced at the screen and my heart sank. I hadn’t spoken to my father since the day the paparazzi had photographed me and Leo outside Rocco’s birthday party. I pressed the button and brought the phone to my ear. “Hello.”

“Dahlia, where in God’s name are you?” The background noise made it difficult to hear him.

“I’m still in New Orleans.” I had no intentions of confirming or denying I was staying with Leo. My plan was to avoid direct answers as much as possible. Besides, I figured Harrison had already told him.

“I see.” A rustling noise filled the line. “Did you forget the gala was this evening?”

I’d absolutely forgotten. I barely knew what day of the week it was after being held hostage with a toddler by a pack of bloodthirsty reporters. “Did you forget the part where you fired me?”

“Fired?” He barked out a laugh. “I didn’t fire you. I said I needed to put some distance between us until the Marchionni debacle blew over.”

That is not what you said. “I must have misunderstood you. It’s no wonder we had a miscommunication with Robert in the middle of our relationship.”

“Robert loves you, but you’re right. I’ve been busy as a one-armed paper-hanger, but I promise I’ll make it up to you. Why don’t you and Gunnar come for supper tomorrow?” He chuckled. “I miss the squirt.”

Leo had plans to go fishing with his brothers from before dawn until late afternoon. I could do something early, if I could slip past the paparazzi.

“How about brunch? You know how cranky Gunnar gets in the evenings.” I doubted Leo would like the idea of me going to Baton Rouge, but I needed to get out of the condo for a few hours or I’d go nuts. “Does ten o’clock work?”

“That’ll be fine.” He shouted over the noise, “I’ll see the three of you then.”

Three of us? “It’s just me and Gunnar.”

“Tell Harry I’m willing to overlook you two living in sin for the time being, but we need to look at our schedules and pick a wedding date that doesn’t coincide with the election.”

What the heck?

“Dad, Harrison and I—” I bit my tongue. For whatever reason my father seemed to think Harry and I were shacking up together. Worse. He thought we were engaged.

Setting him straight would involve a long-drawn-out conversation, and I had other items on my agenda for the evening.

“You don’t need to explain yourself to me.” My dad laughed. “Have a good night.”

“You too.” Thoughts spinning, I disconnected the call and wandered toward the master bedroom. We were staying in for our date-night, but I planned to change out of my yoga pants and T-shirt. Then again, after the weird conversation with my father, I wasn’t sure I’d be good company.

Leo walked out of the guestroom and eased the door shut. He took one look at me and his smile wilted.

I motioned for him to follow.

Once inside his room, he took my hands in his. “What’s wrong? Who called?”

“My dad.” I’d looked forward to our date all day and telling Leo what my father had said would likely ruin it. Then again, I doubted I could enjoy dinner with so many questions dancing around in my mind.