“No, he’s coming here. Apparently, he told the doctor to fuck off.”

“But…how can you be sure he’s really up for it? You do know he was shot, right?”

“I’m aware.”

“Like…in the neck!”

He nodded, his eyes flicking back to the sandwich. “Are you really not going to let me have another one? Because it’s been like four hours since I’ve eaten. I might actually pass out.”

Sighing, I shoved the tray over to him, then watched as he picked the whole thing up and walked out of the room. Slumping in a chair, I rested my chin in my hand and waited for Cash to return. My patience was growing thin. Just when I thought everything was going fine, something else happened that made me rethink my choices in life.

The sound of tires screeching had me perking up and running for the front door. I shoved IRIS aside as I yanked the door open and raced outside just as Cash was stepping out of the vehicle. I nearly tossed myself at him, but the brace around his neck had me halting to a stop.

“You’re okay?” I asked, worried that he wasn’t actually.

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? Thumper said Rafe took you.”

“Yes, but it’s all good now. Can we go inside?”

I nodded, but I was sick and tired of everyone making me wait to get answers. I wrapped my arm around his waist and ignored his protests as I guided him through the door. He looked exhausted, and frankly, I wasn’t sure how he even made the walk. I settled him on the couch and placed a blanket over his legs, just in case he was cold. Then I sat beside him and waited.


“It was Johnny. He came in dressed as a nurse and then the next thing I knew, I was in fucking Kansas.”

“Kansas?” Thumper asked. “Why?”

“New digs. He feels bad about our…disagreement. In exchange for a few jobs and taking care of Jack’s team, he’s handing us a state of the art underground missile silo to work out of.”

“Cool,” Thumper nodded. “Anything else?”

Cash shook his head.

“Wait, that’s it? No one’s concerned that Rafe kidnapped him?”

“I mean, he’s back in one piece,” IRIS pointed out. “Now, if they had, say, broken a finger, I would have had a few words with the man.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. The man was crazy. They were all crazy, and I was still here with them. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Aren’t you going to track down Rafe and kick his ass?” I asked, jumping to my feet before they left the room.

“Can’t,” Thumper said. “We don’t actually know what he looks like.”


“He always stays in the shadows.”

“Or wears a mask,” Slider added as he walked into the room, also carrying one of my sandwiches.

“Are you seriously eating that in front of me?” Cash scowled.

“Should I turn my back?” Slider asked, pointing behind him.

“You’re an asshole. I haven’t had anything but liquids for days.”

“Yep, which means I need to eat while there’s still food around here.” He shoved the rest of his sandwich in his mouth and grinned as he chewed every last mouthful. “Mmmm.”