“Why do all you guys lead people around by the elbows? Is it some kind of power thing?”

He smirked at me. “It’s a control thing. You can’t run from me if I’m holding you, and it makes it harder for you to attack me.”

“Do you really think I’m going to attack you?”

“I have no fucking idea. You’re Cash’s girl, and he’s fucking crazy. I guess anyone willing to be with him would have to be just as bad.”

I kind of took that as a compliment, even though I probably shouldn’t have. As we approached the hospital doors, Thumper, IRIS, and Slider were all waiting for me. Though I knew them a little from our time at the safe house, this was my first time really having one on one interaction with them.

“Take her straight to the safe house,” Eli informed Thumper.

He gave a tight nod and repeated the gesture of taking my elbow. I rolled my eyes and tried my best not to complain about the fact that I was being led around like a misbehaving toddler.

“So, what are we doing when we get back to the safe house?”

“We’ll secure the house and then—”

“No, I meant what are you going to do to distract me?”

“I don’t follow. We’re your security detail,” Thumper answered.

“Yes, and my boyfriend—your boss—is missing. I’m ready to kill someone if I don’t get answers soon. So, what are you going to do to distract me?”

“I could teach you to dismantle a bomb,” IRIS said excitedly.

“Not happening,” Thumper responded before I could answer with a very shocked yes.

When had I become this person? I had a feeling the guys were rubbing off on me just a little too much. Looking back on my time with them over the past six months, I had trained every day, learned to fire a gun, and found joy in throwing knives at trees. I wasn’t really proficient in any of it, but I wasn’t as timid as I used to be. I didn’t shy away from the guys when they stood too close. I trusted them all like I had known them for years. It was refreshing and terrifying at the same time.

When we got home, they did nothing to distract me. They shoved me in the house, banned IRIS from coming near me, and told me to wait for more answers. It was the opposite of everything I said I needed. I made a ton of sandwiches for the guys, but couldn’t stomach any of it. I kept thinking of Cash bleeding out somewhere. When I closed my eyes, I still saw him falling to the ground and bleeding out from his neck.

What if he tore open his stitches? What if the last time I saw him was this morning? I still hadn’t told him I loved him. I was terrified that if I said the words, I might change my mind on what I planned to do when this was over. Now I was rethinking everything. Just the thought of him being out there, all alone with no one to protect him was driving me insane.

“We found him,” Thumper said as he walked into the kitchen, snagging a sandwich.

I watched in disbelief as he sat there munching on the sandwiches I made instead of hauling ass out of here.

“And?” I practically shouted.

“And he’s fine. Rafe has him.”

“Rafe?” I screeched. “The same man who tried to kill us all? The same man that wanted to lock me up in a padded cell for all eternity?”

“It wasn’t all eternity,” he corrected, “but yeah. Same guy.”

“And you’re okay with this.”

“He’s bringing him home now.”

I just stood there, shocked that he didn’t seem at all worried. What the hell was wrong with these guys? A man,a viable threat, had taken Cash out of the hospital without any of them knowing and that was it. They weren’t nervous or scared for him. They were just shrugging their shoulders and eating my sandwiches.

I snatched the tray away as he reached for a second one. “I was going to eat another.”

“And I was going to get some answers other than the shitty one you gave me. I guess we don’t always get what we want.”

“Listen, I get it. You love the guy and he disappeared. It’s shitty and you want someone to give you more answers, but until Cash gets back, you’re not getting any.”

“And where is he going? Back to the hospital?”