“By who?”
“By whom,” I corrected. “Cash, of course.”
“He hates me,” she responded, crossing her arms over her chest. “Besides, he has a really shitty way of showing he cares if that’s how he treats all his…women.”
“Oh, that’s par for the course. I mean, obviously, the situation is heightened considering what’s going on. His protective instincts are going haywire.”
“Can we talk about something else? I really don’t want to talk about your boss.”
“Come on,” I teased her. “You can tell me. I won’t say a word. I was once held in a POW camp for four months. They wanted intel, and I wanted a glass of fucking water. Is that really too much to ask?”
“Did you tell them anything?”
I turned and grinned at her. “Why do you think I was there for four months? It wasn’t because of my winning personality.”
Her face pinched slightly as she watched me. “That must have been horrible.”
I brushed it off. “Horrible is going to the barber, only to find out he’s closed.”
“That’s worse?” she asked in disbelief.
“Hey, when you find a good barber, you don’t let him go. Yeah, it turns out he died or something. Kind of rude, if you ask me. There was no warning that he was sick or anything.”
“Did he have cancer or something?”
I looked at her funny. “No, died from a heart attack. Why?”
She shook her head. “Never mind.”
I could tell I was getting to her, which was perfect for me. A few more minutes of my charms and I’d convince her to come back to OPS and give the boss another chance.
“Right over here.” She pointed to the curb and was already unbuckling her seatbelt.
“Don’t you want to grab some dinner or something?”
“I think I’ve had enough of you for a lifetime.”
“That’s just because I haven’t grown on you yet. I’m like mold.”
She pursed her lips, nodding slightly. “That’s…I’m going home now.”
She shoved the door open and got out. I would have followed her, but I was double parked, and there were no free spots anywhere in sight. And I fucking hated dealing with the police. Cash already warned me to stay away at all costs.
“When you get to your apartment, I want you to flick your lights twice if you’re good. Three times if you’re in distress.”
“Why would I be in distress?”
I sighed heavily. “Are you ever going to do as I ask, or are you always going to argue with me?”
She slammed the door and shot me the finger. I chuckled as she walked to her building and went inside. I waited for her signal, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel as I waited for her. Flashing lights shone behind me.
“Shit,” I muttered, watching as a cop got out and made his way over to me.
I glanced back at the apartment window, still waiting for the signal, but it never came.
“Fuck. I guess I’m going to have to deal with the cops after all.”
A harsh rap on my window drew my attention away from the apartment. “Sir, you’re double parked.”