“Actually, I was just dropping off a friend and—”

“Sir, there are parking spots for you to use.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You interrupted me. Do you know how rude that is?”

“I don’t give a fuck if it’s rude. You’re double parked. Now move it, or I’ll give you a ticket.”

I waved at the crowded street in front of me. “Do you see any place for me to park?”

“I don’t give a fuck what you do, as long as you move from your current location.”

“Fine, but I need to check on my friend first. She was supposed to let me know she was okay by flickering the lights, and she hasn’t done that.”

“Flickering the lights, huh? You could have just walked her to the door.”

“Yes,” I huffed. “I could have, but I was double parked, as you already pointed out. And if I had left my vehicle, I would have gotten a ticket.”

“You’re still getting one,” he said snidely.

“Alright,” I said, shoving my door open. The time to play nice was over. I had to get to Beth, wherever the hell she was.

“Sir, get back in your vehicle.”

“No, you know what? I already told you my friend is in danger, and you’re fucking ignoring me. That really pisses me off.”

“Sir, I will tase you if you don’t get back in your vehicle!”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” I snorted. “I’d love to see you try.” He pulled his taser and I held up my hands. “You’re gonna want to think long and hard before you deploy that thing.”

“Sir! Turn around and place your hands on the car!”

That’s when I heard the scream that sent chills down my spine. The cop heard it too. “Shit! That’s her. I have to go.”

“Put your hands on the car!”

“She’s screaming for me,” I argued.

I took a step forward just as he shot the taser. The electrical wires hit me right in the chest and stunned me, but I didn’t go down. I yanked them out and grabbed his gun, shooting him with his own taser. “How do you like it, asshole?”

Tossing the taser on the ground, I took off for the building, racing around it just as I saw a trunk slammed shut and two men jumping into the car. I pulled my gun and fired multiple times, but I was too far away to stop them. I got a partial plate, but that was it. Pulling my cell, I dialed Cash.

“If you’re calling to lecture me—”

“Black sedan. Partial plate XGV. Two men in dark clothes. Beth is in the trunk,” I said as I headed back to my car.

“Fuck! How could you let this happen?”

“I was dealing with the cops.”

“The…Fox we talked about this,” I heard him say right before he rattled off my information to someone else, probably Dash. “Where is the officer now?”

I ran up to my car, looking at the officer down. “Um…he’s sort of on the ground.”

“Why is he on the ground?” he asked slowly.

“Because I shot him with his taser.” I booted his body as gently as possible away from my truck and got in.
