“I’m going to make this very clear to you. If you don’t tell me where you uploaded those photos, I’m going to make sure every single person you love dies a very slow, painful death.”
I laughed at him. “I don’t have anyone I love.”
“What about your mother?”
“Go ahead and kill her,” I mumbled.
“And your aunt?”
That gave me pause. I loved my aunt more than anything in this world. I just stupidly thought they wouldn’t know about her. She was the only person that was ever there for me. She helped me after what my step-dad did. I was able to function because of her.
“If you don’t want her to die a slow, painful death, I suggest you tell us where that information is.”
My eyes slipped closed and tears leaked down my face. I wanted to tell them to save her, but deep down, I knew they would kill both her and me just to ensure there were no loose ends. So, I could tell them and hope they gave her a quick death, or I could let the chips fall where they may. At least then there was still a chance this would get out. If she uploaded it immediately, their crimes would be out there for everyone to see.
“Not going to say anything to save the last person you care about?”
We pulledinto the motel well past the time I was ready to go to sleep. Reliving those days at the farm and telling Cash what I could reminded me of everything I had to lose, and what I could still lose if they found me. Whenever I thought of those times, I fell into a depression for days, but I couldn’t afford that right now. Tomorrow we would be at my aunt’s house, and she needed to see that I was okay.
“I’m going to run out for some clothes. Why don’t you go lay down?”
I glanced over at Cash, realizing that I hadn’t spoken a word to him since he asked me about the farm. Still, I didn’t know what to say. I nodded and took the money from him, then rented a room. I handed him the spare key and walked into the room, not even bothering with a shower as I plopped down in bed. I was asleep before I had a chance to pull the covers over me.
After makingsure Beth was safely inside the motel room, I went in search of supplies for us. Honestly, I was running, not from her, but from what she told me. It was like hearing a recording of the events that happened, and it scared the shit out of me to hear her relive it. When she stopped talking, I drove in silence, knowing she gave me all she could for one day.
All the life was sucked out of her just from telling me that one story, more than when she told me about her step-dad. I knew there was more to the story that I didn’t know yet, but I couldn’t push. I had so many questions, mostly about how she escaped and if she still had that evidence. We’d need it to keep her safe.
But I had other things to take care of too. I had a business I left behind, a pain in the ass alphabet agent who was doing everything he could to piss me off, and half the country was falling apart. I needed to check in with my team and find out what was going on.
“Dash, give me some good news,” I said tiredly.
“Well, I got a haircut today. It’s not exactly what I wanted. They tried to pull this hippie bullshit on me and ended up shaving one half of my head. When I saw it, I nearly pulled my gun on the guy.”
“Dash—” I tried interrupting, but he kept going.
“So, I said to the guy, you’d better fix this before I send Fox or IRIS after you. And the guy had the nerve to look at me like I was fucking crazy. I mean, how hard is it to cut hair?”
“I thought you said this was good news.”
“Right, well, after I threatened him, he sent over this really hot chick. She cut my hair and fixed it as best she could. Then I took her out for ice cream.”
“Ice cream?” I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“Well, it was too late for coffee, and I thought it was a really good meet-cute. I’m trying out some new moves on the ladies.”
“Dash, has anyone ever told you that Scottie’s rubbing off on you just a tad too much?”
“Not at all. In fact, I think—”
“You know what?” I interrupted. “Can we just get to the point of this call?”
“Sure thing, boss. What’s up?”
“How’s everything going at the company?”