“Well, Fox is beating everything to shit because he feels terrible about Beth. By the way, are we all still going to go with the lie that her name is Beth?”
“It’s not her name.”
“Yeah, that’s what I just said,” he retorted. “Any luck finding it out?”
I glanced at the door to the thrift store I was standing in, like she might walk through the door at any moment. “I’m finding out more than I thought I would, but I haven’t gotten her name yet.”
“Seriously? After all this time together, you haven’t just asked her?”
“There were more important things to deal with.”
“Like what?”
“Like outrunning trucks that were racing us through the mountains.”
“Well, yeah, but that was a long time ago. Besides, that would have been the perfect time to ask her. High pressure situations make people blurt all kinds of shit out.”
“I know, which is how I found out a lot about her,” I gritted out.
“And you just happened to forget to ask her about her name?”
“Dash! Can we please focus?”
“Right, sorry, boss. What can I do for you?”
“Did you get ahold of Rafe?”
He laughed outright. “Yeah, he’s fun. I’ve been tracking your sat phone, and giving him regular updates.”
“You did what?” I hissed.
“He wants to know where you are, and frankly, he’s more intimidating than you.”
“Dash, if I wanted him to know where I was, I would have told him.”
“Yeah, but he’s got Hayes, and he says he really needs to talk with you. Something about the end of the world and crazy shit like that. But hey, if it makes you feel better, I’ve given you a good fifty mile head start.”
“Look, don’t tell him anything else. I need to hide Beth, and then I’ll meet up with him.”
“I’m not a total moron, boss. I have plans in place that even he can’t touch.”
“Like what?”
“Rae. Yeah, she’s actually pretty close to you. Apparently, she has some old boyfriend that she’s been shacking up with.”
“A boyfriend?”
“Okay, he’s a hacker, but don’t tell her I told you. He’s some super secret hacker and we’re not allowed to know anything about him.”
I nodded at that. “You already have a file on him, don’t you?”
“Yep, it’s all here waiting for you when this shit is over.”
“Thanks, I guess.”
“Just doing my job, boss. And when you actually find out this chick’s name, let me know and I’ll do the same for her.”
“How about we respect her privacy just a little?” I asked.