“This one’s for Harlow,” he said and then sang, “I want you to notice, when I’m not around. You’re so fuckin’ special.”
At his side, Adrian Brown kicked ass and played the fuck out of his guitar and Miles had never been happier the entirety of his pretty damned happy life.
And right on the heels of that Maddie started the open to “Show the Way” as Hurleys filled the stage and hooked into one of Earthquakes most popular songs like they played it every night.
During the break, Miles stepped back and let the guitars take over as he caught sight of Silas drumming like his life depended on it right next to his personal idol Damien Hurley.
Ezra began to sing, and the audience began to say his name, leaning into the Z sound and Maddie’s smile seemed to light her whole being up. Her dad and her uncles had showed up and showed out.
Miles’s father rocked alongside them, part of his journey as he’d been from the moment he’d learned of Miles’s existence.
They all sang the last chorus together, backing Ezra’s lead vocals and as the last notes died, Miles caught Harlow’s movements, hands up in the air, singing along with them, Poppy at her side, doing the same.
For a reckless move, he’d sure gotten lucky.
After what had been the best night of her entire life, Harlow wasn’t ready for what it looked like when all their friends and family had joined up for the most massive family gathering she’d ever been to.
“Jesus, Miles,” Harlow said as they stood on the covered porch of the massive house many of them were staying in. Just beyond the house the yard was absolutely awash in musical legends.
He laughed, putting an arm around her shoulder. “I know. I’m with these people regularly and yet I still find myself stunned by all their talent and energy. I nearly combusted on stage last night at one point.”
“Speaking of last night.”
He laughed again, kissing the top of her head. “Yes, my beauty?”
She hadn’t said anything about the call outs to her he’d made during the previous night’s show. Or the way the crowd had reacted by chanting her name.
“I’m your bonus?”
He turned so he could give her a real hug. “They said your name. They know who you are and what we are together. As for the bit in Creep? Like I said, everyone already knows we’re together, so I get to shout it from the rooftops. It’s not a secret. Plus you liked it.”
He spun her and then pulled her back to his side.
“How do you know that?” she demanded, trying to stay stern but failing.
He bent to speak quietly into her ear. “Because I wouldn’t have put my cock anywhere near that sweet mouth if you’d been snarly.”
Blushing at the memory of their hushed coupling the night before when they’d returned home. With the house being full of family and friends, they’d had to keep it down. Which had added to the experience.
“I see Ezra over at the drinks area.” Miles nudged her. “Go on. He’s alone.”
“It’s weird!” she whispered back.
“If you were him and someone said they loved something you wrote, would you think it was weird?” Miles asked and had Harlow moving over there like an adult. Which she was. Mostly.
Waving in a hopefully nonweird way, she smiled as she approached him. “Hi, Ezra.”
“Hey, Harlow. Y’all were fantastic last night. Congratulations. I’m biased, but the song you played with Maddie? I really dug it.”
Omigod! Did he just really compliment her songwriting? When he was…well, that’s what she was there to tell him.
“Wow, thank you. That means more than you can know. You’re sort of a personal icon for me. Um. All your songs are favorites, but the songs you wrote onSometimes We Forgetare lyrical perfection. The depth of emotion kills me. It’s so timely but also timeless. It’s a beautiful album.”
His easy grin fell and remade itself into a smile that made him a thousand times hotter. And he already had that silver fox thing going on to start with.
“Thank you. Wow. I’m very touched that you think so and that you’d tell me. It was a horrible time in my life, but I’m really proud of those songs. Sometimes you turn your pain into something better.”