“Songwriting as therapy. Absolutely.”
Fortunately, she managed to avoid an embarrassing incident and excused herself a few minutes later, absolutely glowing with pleasure.
The morning activities were done, and everyone had gathered on the large back lawn of the house one or another of them owned. Her dad had Ryder on his hip as he listened to something Adrian was telling him. Marcella and Cherry sat with Jenna and Elise, Brody’s wife, the four of them had settled at a table, chatting like they’d been friends forever. Maddie had her mom on one side of her and her dad on the other as her sister—also ridiculously gorgeous—told them all something that had them laughing.
There was enough food to feed an army, or the assembled group of creatives, weirdos, goddesses, demigods and randoms that made up this large and colorful crowd.
Miles was in his element, loving up on everyone, reconnecting with a hug or a grin. Every few minutes though, he’d look up from whatever he was doing and search her out, only relaxing once he caught sight of her.
She figured she only had a few minutes left of solitude. He’d frowned when he’d caught sight of her tucked away in a gazebo at the edge of the garden. Harlow had waved a hand at him to mind his own and have a good time. She wasn’t hiding! Just watching the ebb and flow of the group had filled her with happiness and several lyrical snippets she’d had to get in her phone before she forgot them.
In the end it was her dad who’d come to find her. He sat next to her and looked out on the party beyond.
“Hey, Punky. Great party, huh?” He put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed her to his side a moment.
“It really is. Seeing everyone with their family makes me so happy.” She put her head on his shoulder a moment. It wasn’t that she couldn’t make do otherwise. She would have. There were plenty of people there she liked and would have enjoyed spending the day with. But none of them were her dad.
“Ryder has been talking incessantly about seeing you,” he told her. “And naturally I can’t ever pass up some time with you. And I get to know Miles a little better through his people.”
“Hang on one second,” she told him as she jumped up to grab them both a beer and some food and returned with it.
“Uh oh. You must be planning on telling me something difficult,” he teased, but his eyes were serious.
She clinked her bottle to his and took several long pulls. “I met with my attorney. My new attorney. Whatever. She’s the badass who is going to take Gloria on. “She had some stuff to say that helped me put this in perspective.”
“Like what?”
She took a deep breath and a few more drinks while they ate yummy meatballs.
“I like this Bella already,” her dad said.
“I think you would. She’s great. But I should warn you, she’s not worried about this hurting Luis and Hector. She says they’re either with me or against me and I fought that for a few weeks. Miles was pissed at me for taking so long to see the truth.”
“He should be pissed at me then,” her dad muttered.
“He was in his own way. At first. But he knows you love me, and he knows you did your best. He’s the one who told me that right off. You made the best choices you could at that time given your options. They weren’t perfect. But no one is perfect. You kept growing and learning and I hope I do the same. I’m not mad at you. But if I have to protect myself from her and it hurts them because they refuse to accept the truth that’s on them. You’re their dad so I know it’s different for you. But I wanted you to know up front that it might happen.”
“I regret—deeply—that I’m not close with your brothers. They’re my sons and I love them. Nothing will change that. But it doesn’t mean I don’t see the situation for what it is. And I’m choosing you, Harlow. Because you’ve been so hurt, and no one chose you. Fuck that.”
The tears in her dad’s voice brought her own in response.
“I’ve spent the last two weeks really thinking about everything. What my part in it is. What your part is. How what she’s said and done has shaped me even though I didn’t live with her for most of my life. Miles said some stuff to me the day you and I talked about everything. He asked me how long I was going to let Gloria make me feel like I wasn’t good enough to be loved.”
“Ouch,” he murmured.
“Right? He’s cute and all, but he knows stuff. And he was correct. I’m working through all that. Hooked up with a therapist I can connect with online. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about that part, but it’s been good. Helped me put things in perspective. It’s going to take me a while to reject everything I know is wrong, but I’m trying. Because I’m worth it and healthy relationships are worth it.”
“You are, Punky and I’m so happy to hear you’re rising above all this bullshit to keep being the amazing woman you are. Do whatever you need to shut Gloria down. I’ll help however I can. I tried to connect with Hector and Luis but neither will take my calls. I don’t want them to hear the story from Gloria about the custody situation. I want to explain it.”
“You can’t if they won’t listen. Dad, they know she’s cruel and petty and they think it’ll never turn on them. And maybe it never will. I’ll always have love for them, but from a distance. Maybe that’s the only way it’s possible. I’ve had some limited texts back and forth with Mindy. She sees this for what it is. Knows what Gloria is. But Gloria is her mother-in-law so it’s a lot of pressure on her marriage. I don’t know how that’ll work out. I hope he chooses his wife and kids. But.” Harlow shrugged. “I’m sorry for it. She’s in a tough spot. But maybe you can check in with her? Just a note that you want to talk. It might go nowhere. But if anyone can get him to listen it’ll be her.”
Her dad sighed, sadness in the sound.
She turned to him, putting one of her legs up on the seat. “I’m great,” she said. “I’m in love. I’m experiencing more success than ever. My friendships are strong and important. I have alovingand involved father who I adore and who adores me. Aside from this Gloria drama, things are a-okay.”
They watched Ryder run and play but when she caught sight of them, her entire being lit up and she ran toward them, her arms wide open.
“That’s the prime example of what a great dad you are,” Harlow told him as she stood and grabbed her sister, pulling her up and into her arms for a hug.