“I had Poppy text the address and basic directions to your dad and to Jenna. There are groceries in the fridge and pantry. Poppy took the initiative to stock up on things we’d all like. She’s really pleased you invited her to stay here with us,” he told her.
“Well of course I did. She’s your sister and my friend. Also, she’s exceptional at taking care of people.”
“Sometimes you have a tendency to assume the things you do for people are things everyone does. Even though there are few enough people who do those same things for you. You’re a beautiful soul and very much a nurturer and fixer.”
He met her in the middle of the room, just looking into her face and letting her smile ease every heavy thing on his mind.
“You’re one to talk. You take care of me all the time. And the band and your friends. Your family. My friends.”
Miles warmed at her words. “In all the world there’s nothing for me to do but take care of you. Then I know for sure you’re okay because I’m the one who helped make you that way. You’re pretty easy to take care of. I don’t do all that much because you usually beat me to it because you’re taking care of me.” Which was frustratingly true at times. As problems went, it wasn’t a bad one to have really. But as he loved spoiling her it did take creative thinking.
“I have very few riders in my contract.” She grinned. “This house is stunning. And we’re here because you remembered something I said months ago. So my dad and Jenna and Ryder can stay here too. And Poppy to balance it.”
Yes, he’d done it because he’d tucked away that detail when she’d been talking about her favorite places. But he’d also done it because she could meet with Richie there in the house instead of some other place where Miles would have to remain behind. In that house he’d be near enough to step in in necessary. Or to lean on. Whatever. He didn’t mess around when it came to her, damn it. If that made him pushy or bossy, well, yeah it did make him both those things.
He promised to do the best he could to respect her boundaries, and he was! But that didn’t mean he had to give up attempting to protect her entirely. Just that he’d be better at keeping it below her radar.
“You look so pretty,” he told her, inching the hem of her dress up little by little. “You’d look even prettier riding my face.”
The intake of her breath and her blush rocketed straight to his already achingly hard cock.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but the headboard looks like it’s bolted to the wall. I think you could brace yourself there. And make all the noise you want because for the next few hours we’re all alone.”
It didn’t matter that he’d already had her that morning when they woke up. Or that he’d have her again when they got home later that night. He wanted more. Always. Greedy for her.
“You can even leave the dress on. I’m all about your ease.”
Her delighted laugh stroked over his skin like a caress. A little husky from desire. Like a secret she’d whispered.
“I noticed it has these little buttons.” He flicked them open one after the next, all the way to her belly button. “I’ve been thinking all day about how I could open the front of this dress up and free your tits from that bra.” As he said it, he’d done it, popping the front clasp.
In addition to pretty much always wanting to fuck her, Miles figured it would help her not be so nervous about the upcoming conversation if he kept her busy climaxing, napping, and eating.
He’d start with the climaxing, then they’d go to dinner with Omar and depending on what the mood was when they got home, he’d probably top up the orgasm tank so she’d sleep deeply.
One handed—the other was slowly twisting the bar through her nipple back and forth—he was able to grab the waistband of her underpants and pull them down so she could step free.
She was already wet as he slid his fingertips through her labia and up to her clit.
But before he went any further, he took several steps back. His shoes were already by the front door so he laid on the bed and beckoned her.
She straddled his body as she moved toward his face. He stopped her when she tried to undo his jeans. If she touched his cock he’d lose it. And he wanted all his focus on her. Then he’d free his cock and fuck her so hard her tits bounced.
There were no words between them just then. Just the soft sounds her knees sliding over the bedspread and their breathing. But when she got close enough, he grabbed the tops of her thighs and her ass, holding her in place.
Her hair slid forward, partially obscuring her features as she looked down at him. Her pupils were huge, lips wet from where she’d licked them. Christ, every little detail of her reaction to him unraveled all his control.
He urged her up. “Grab the headboard to brace yourself,” he said and then groaned when she immediately obeyed and her pussy was just right there. “So wet already.” He pulled just a bit more so he could reach easier and then he settled her, partially supporting her weight with the grip he had on her legs.
Eating pussy this way…no…eatingherpussy in this position was his favorite because he loved the way she trembled as he did. Her thighs and belly started first as he began to lick and nuzzle.
Her clit was swollen and each lick sent a shiver through her.
“I’m going to break this headboard,” she gasped.
He doubted it. He’d given it a quick look earlier just to see if it was sturdy enough for this purpose. But he liked the idea of making her so hot she broke things.
“If you did, it’d be worth it,” he murmured against her pussy. That would be an expenditure he’d gladly pay for.