Page 83 of Reckless

He sighed. “There’s a bit where Gloria talks about Miles. His piercings and his variety of romantic interests as evidence of how far you’ve fallen.”

“That he’s bi? Like that’s a big shocking secret?” Harlow waved that away.

Ben grinned at her briefly. “Yes. I know you wouldn’t be surprised by the way some people still think about that. But that attacks your foundations. And the foundation of your happiness, right? She wants you to doubt all the things that empower you. Then you’re weak and defenseless.”

She wanted to run away from everything. Fighting the urge not to bolt took all her concentration and control. All this internal struggle was not something she wanted to deal with in front of all these very important people in Miles’s life. All while she was pissed at him.

Harlow needed to make herself some pro and con lists and try to process everything but there wasn’t the opportunity for that right then. Which left her anxious and feeling trapped.

“I have to think about all this,” she said at last.

“Fair. There’s a lot going on. I’ll create a report for you with everything as I go,” Ben said.

“I also need to think about whether or not I’ll use your services. I’m sorry. I know this is so rude.” She fought back emotion.

“This was the worst possible way for me to bring this up. I apologize again.”

“You want to help. I see that. And I appreciate it. I truly do. But this is…well, I’m not prepared to…” She shook her head, not having the words.

Ben took a deep breath and sent her a conciliatory smile. She felt like the worst, meanest person alive not to jump on this chance. But Harlow had hit a wall and ill-timed or not, it was her moment to stand up for herself in the midst of all this chaos being orchestrated byeveryone but her.

“How about this? Take your time to think about everything. If you have questions, just ask them. Text or call, whatever is best. I’ll hold off on anything else until I hear from you. I will urge you not to respond to Gloria’s video at this stage. Protect yourself,” Ben said.

“Dessert is here,” Erin called out from inside.

“Be right there,” Ben replied.

Miles looked up from where he’d been chatting with his mum and a chill ran down his spine when he caught Harlow’s expression when she and Ben returned for pie. It only got worse when she seated herself where he couldn’t weasel in next to her while not allowing him a single second of eye contact.

Then while he was fussing around over the check, Harlow jumped into the first car to go back to the hotel.

Ben saw it and shook his head, taking Miles aside. “What the fuck is going on?” Miles demanded of his uncle. “Am I imagining it or is she pissed off?”

“You’re not imagining it. We fucked up, Miles. You and me both,” Ben said and explained the whole situation that had happened on the deck.

Damn it.

He stood to the side, making a quick call.

Harlow didn’t answer her phone. It went straight to voicemail.

“I know you’re mad at me and you have a right to be. I didn’t do it because I thought you were incapable of handling it on your own. I just wanted to help you because you have so much on your shoulders, and I hate to see you suffer. I would have talked to you about the video. I wasn’t hiding it like that. I figured we’d talk about it once you met with Ben. As for the retainer? We can talk about that later on. Look, Harlow, I’m in love with you. It makes me stupid sometimes. My emotions take over and I want to protect you and I mess up. I’m coming to you now. So take the time you need to process between now and then.”

He disconnected and shoved his phone in a pocket before returning to his family, all the while itching to be done so he could go to her and reassure himself they were okay.


She wasn’t in their room when he returned. A quick, frantic check of the closet showed her clothes still hanging there and her things were all over her side of the dual sink area in the bathroom, so she hadn’t run off. He’d gotten used to her being with him in the month plus since she’d finally given in and agreed to share his room nightly.

Ben had stressed several times that he did not think Harlow was going to break up with him. She was pissed, but she’d told Ben they would work it out and he fell back on that even if he wanted to run down to Nora and Brian’s room immediately to see if she was there. Nora had stayed back from lunch to keep an eye on Brian, who was still feeling poorly, and as she was Harlow’s best friend, that’s probably exactly where she’d headed.

Instead of going down there, he decided to text her.

Where are you?

She replied a minute later.At a coffee shop near the venue.

It was about an hour earlier than they all usually went over, and he knew it was to avoid him.