I’m fine.
Oh shit. I’m fine rarely ever meant I’m fine. Likewhateverrarely meant that person was letting it go.
We should talk. I’m going to come over now.
No. I’m here with Nora and we’re working. We can talk tomorrow.
Though he knew the answer, he couldn’t help but ask.Are you breaking up with me?
The little dots indicating she was responding seemed to taunt him for a terribly long time.
I know I told Ben this wasn’t a break up offense and that we would work things out.
He winced, waiting for more but it didn’t come.So let’s work this out.
I’m working. Don’t bring this shit to me tonight and fuck my mojo.
Despite his annoyance, he smiled. If she felt well enough to send back that little verbal middle finger, she’d be okay. Yes, she was sad about this bullshit, but Harlow wasn’t cowed for long and her spine was still just as steely as it had been before.
She’d make it. And so would they.
You said tomorrow. We’ll talk this out tonight after the show. I don’t want to go to bed with this unsettled between us.
You have a real issue with boundaries sometimes, Miles. Your family is here. Spend time with them before they leave later. Tell them I said to travel safe.
He groaned and tried to Facetime her. She didn’t pick up.
I’ll see you at the venue in two hours.He also sent a selfie. Couldn’t hurt to remind her how handsome he was.
Miles would spend this last time with family and wouldn’t rush over to the arena even though he really wanted to.
“Why can’t they just listen when we tell them something?” Harlow asked Nora.
“Don’t ask me. I have a non-alpha male boyfriend. Brian listens when I tell him to back off,” Nora said.
“Because you had to train him, though. Maybe that’s it. Plus you were babies when you first got together so you grew up with one another. Hopefully, after some time and some reinforcement of boundaries Miles will figure it out.”
Nora thought that was hilarious. “Sure. Let’s pretend we’re done talking about that. You two are going to hash this out and have make-up sex and then he’ll go back to doing whatever because he’s a bossy person who is used to being in charge. As are you. So, tell me what Gloria said on this video.”
Nora met her at the coffee shop after Brian went to the venue and Harlow was telling her friend the story of her day. Harlow had watched the video in the cab on the way back to the hotel and had been even sicker to her stomach since.
“Let’s see, first she says my dad bought me from her. Then she says he made me in his image. You know, left wing lesbians on the west coast, witchcraft, and shit. I’ve been slutty since I was a kid and now, I’m shaming myinnocentfamily—she means her side—with my promiscuity and association with my sugar daddy who is paying me to fuck him so I can be on his tour. Oh and worse, his pierced penis has touched another penis at some point in his life.”
Nora blinked; her mouth opened to speak but she closed it again as she shook her head.
“I know. It’s like trail mix of terrible takes. Ben said something that makes a lot of sense though. That if we react it might get more attention to the video, which makes things worse. So do I shut up and hope it goes away, at least until the tour is over? Do I sue and make her take it down?”
“I totally agree that Ben could have handled this better. And I really agree that Miles could have. Are you going to let Ben continue to advise you on this? He seems to truly care.”
“I’m struggling with that. The reality is, he’s so close to Miles. It becomes a Harlow and Miles issue. And it’s not. Ben isabsolutelya very nice person. I appreciate that he got on this so fast. And I appreciated that he shared some very personal stuff about his father. He said he saw himself in me and got tripped up and that’s valid, you know? But he loves Miles. Miles is his family and everything we say or do, regardless of whether it is about Miles, will be brought to him or compared to him or measured as to what he’d feel. It’s not that he’s a bad guy. He isn’t. But this whole thing is about me standing on my own and finally rejecting whatever this Gloria thing is. Right? I’m wondering if it’s better all around if I don’t use his services. Obviously, I’ll pay for his time. But I can talk to Jeremy. He’ll know people I can hire, and they won’t be connected to Miles. I’m worried this will cause a problem with his family no matter what I decide to do. Which makes me pissed. Because this is my shit, and I shouldn’t have to feel guilty because other people messed up. But here we are.”
Nora grunted. “He betternothave been angry. He shouldn’t have brought this whole thing up to you at that lunch. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.”
“Most of the lunch was fine. They’re all interesting. Ben was just being nice.” Harlow paused and then just blurted, “What do you think I should do?”
“My opinion is that I’ll support you no matter what. That said? Yes, you can talk to Jeremy, and he’ll have multiple suggestions to you, all with details about their specialties and the like within twenty-four hours because that’s how he is. They will all be qualified and if you hire one, you’ll have total control and there’ll be no connection to Miles except what you choose.”