Page 53 of Reckless

He brushed hair back from her face and kissed her temple, just breathing her in. He tried to tell himself he’d be just as concerned about this if they were only friends. But his heart thundered in his chest at her scent. He wanted to do anything and everything he could to make her stop hurting, including saying tough stuff because she’d listen to him, and she needed to hear it from someone she trusted.

“At least Hector and Luis don’t appear to be involved,” she said at last as they started walking toward the mess area for dinner.

“That’s good. I’m glad he listened to me.”

She looked to him as she skidded to a stop. “Listened to you when?”

Oops. He’d forgotten to tell her about that little exchange after she’d left for the stage. “Just a little back and forth that second night in ATL when they were backstage. I told him he owed you a real apology because you trusted him, and he didn’t make his home a safe place for you. And then I told him to fuck off if he couldn’t be a real brother to you.”

“Hector and Mindy sent a text saying they’d been impressed with Above Me. They thanked me for the invite and apologized that things got heated backstage. That was only because you told him to?”

These people made him want to punch everyone in the throat. Even though he had told them to thank Harlow for the invite and to say she was awesome Miles hated that she thought they’d only done it because he’d made them.

Maybe they had for all he knew. But he didn’t want her hurting from these people. Enough was enough. So he’d ease around the truth. “They should have thanked you so I’m glad they did. They should have apologized for that shitshow backstageandat their home, so I’m annoyed but whatever. I don’t think they only did it because I made them feel guilty by telling them the truth. Youarewonderful and talented so it’s good they saw it and maybe understand you a little more.”

He’d never forget the bitterness in Hector’s tone when he’d made that comment about playing nice to get invited to things. Gloria had done a number on all her kids it looked like. But Hector wasn’t a kid anymore and it was time to grow the fuck up or stay away.

“I know an attorney or two if you need someone,” he told her. “Extended family. If you need someone tough to handle Gloria, they’d be good.”

“Jenna said my dad’s attorney was on it already, but thanks.”

“You still hungry?” he asked. Miles had noticed she would go too long without eating when she was in the middle of work or was upset about something. Being on tour was grueling, he wanted her to stay healthy, so he wasn’t above some nagging.


“Come on then. Let’s get dinner. You need the calories so you keep up in bed later.” He winked at her and steered them both toward the scent of garlic.


Harlow stood in the audience, looking up at Earthquakes on stage at Madison Square Garden. Above Me had already played their set and she was still buzzing with excitement. Her first time playing MSG and it had been as incredible as she’d imagined.

And now she got to watch her man kick ass to a sold out crowd in a mythical arena in the city that never slept.

The place was absolutely packed with cheering fans who knew all the words to every song. Miles and his band were giving them every bit of their money’s worth and more.

A silvery blue spot seemed to caress him as he leaned in to the mic to sing the lyrics to “On Your Back”, a song about being taken over by a sexual partner. Having been taken over by the man currently singing about naked slide of skin on skin, she could verify it was not overrated at all.

“So fucking soft. Hard edged need like a knife. Pull it from me. Pour into you.”

Yum. He dominated the stage, and she could see those sexy forearms of his from where she stood. Usually, she stayed stage left but some nights she got out in the audience to get the full experience and that night she wasn’t sorry.

Their sound was perfect and every single member of Earthquakes was in synch with the others as they made an incredible storm together. It was so magical all Harlow could do was clasp her hands together in front of her chest, just so thrilled for him.

Thrilled enough to ignore all the exposed tits being showcased in his direction. After all, hers were the ones he paid attention to, and really could she blame anyone for trying to get some from him? As long as he didn’t give it, she could find a way to deal with it.

He’d be sweaty and revved up and the moment the hotel room door closed behind them he’d pounce on her. Hot damn she was lucky.

“This one’s for a certain dark-haired siren,” Miles said into the microphone and they began playing, “Mine,” one of the sweeter and still darkly sexual songs on their most recent release.

“Dayum,” Nora said into Harlow’s ear. “He’s wants that kitty cat for real.”

That made Harlow giggle even as she saw it for what it was. Miles wanted everyone to know they were together. There’d been pictures and enough talk that it was obvious they were. But this declaration from stage was sweet, yes, but also her dude staking a claim in front of the world.

He was a handful. Especially when it came to getting whatever it was he wanted. She was wildly flattered that what he wanted was her. Even while she was wary of the way he simply steamrolled through things to achieve his aims.

Usually it was about sex or getting her to eat or rest or sleep in his room, so he got away with it. But there were lines he skirted, and she realized more each day that she had to keep an eye on those lines, or he’d stroll right over them.

Still, she couldn’t remember the last time she was so wonderfully, truly happy. And that bossy guy up there on their second encore was a big part of that.