“They’re nearly done. Come on.” Nora grabbed her hand and dragged Harlow backstage once again so they—really Harlow—cold be there when Miles came offstage.
Backstage was chaos as the band came off the stage, handing off instruments and ear monitors. Harlow would have waited for him back in their green room space, but Miles really liked it when she waited there where he could see her as he came down.
Harlow realized she liked making Miles smile and it wasn’t a hardship to stand out of the way and take all the chaos in. Miles was still in charge. Speaking to his tech and their tour manager and sound engineer. Doing their nightly postmortem as Above Me had done earlier.
He was just so sexy and in charge as he focused on whoever he was speaking to. He listened before replying. The others looked to him all the time in myriad ways they probably weren’t even totally aware of. He was so capable and steadfast even with all the sharp edges. A protector.
She liked it. Most of the time. So far, he was worth the effort it took not to let him get away with whatever he pleased.
“Holy shit!” Nora exclaimed, catching Harlow’s attention.
“What?” Harlow tried to read over her shoulder. All she could see were three bullet pointed things from Jeremy so she waited for Nora to fill her in.
“We hit gold record status. And now two of the singles are charting and getting a lot of play. Jeremy has been approached about using one of our songs in a movie Mercury Reid is directing.”
“Holy shit is right!” She and Nora hugged, dancing around until Brian approached and then joined them for a moment after they’d told him the news.
Miles rolled up looking deliciously disheveled and sweaty. Goddess, she wanted to lick him to celebrate. Like a more carnal version of a tequila shot.
“Hey, beauty, what are we celebrating?” he said, a smile on his face.
She hugged him and instantly he wrapped himself around her in response. She was utterly surrounded by everything Miles. He made her heart sing.
Harlow told him the news and he hugged her again. “That’s fantastic. Congratulations.” He grinned. “Tell Maddie no,” he murmured.
Before she could ask what he meant, Maddie came bounding up, full of energy. “Hey, everyone is going out. Silas knows all the afterhours clubs and stuff. We’ll drink and eat and dance or whatever.”
Nora and Brian nodded. “Yeah! We’re in. We have a lot to celebrate tonight for all of us. You all sounded amazing tonight. Top show so far, edging Vegas into second place.”
“I think I’m going back to the townhouse,” Harlow said, understanding what Miles had meant. It wasn’t like she hadn’t gone to clubs and parties so far on the tour but having some quiet time to celebrate that whole day with him at her side sounded perfect.
“Oh, good yeah, me too,” Miles said, all innocent-like.
“Fine. See you two tomorrow. Don’t forget we’re doing media in the morning,” Nora told her.
“It’s on my calendar and also the daily Poppy pre-delivered to me. Do not let her get drunk,” Harlow murmured to Nora.
“There’s no way they’d let her get hurt but I’ll keep an eye out. I’d question how she’ll even get into a club when she’s not quite twenty-one, but I was not quite twenty-one and got into plenty.”
“That and you’re all famous. Nora, we are having a very good day. I love your fucking face.”
Nora snorted a laugh. “Love you too. Have fun.”
Miles took a shower and changed before they grabbed a car over to the townhouse Richie owned and had insisted she and Above Me use while in the city for the MSG shows. Still buzzing from that night’s show and then all their good news, he was beyond relieved to have her all to himself in a quiet place to celebrate.
She toed her shoes off and headed from the enclosed front entry space and into the main part of the house. He hadn’t expected all black walls and studded leather couches or anything, but the elegant and yet very comfortable layout and furnishings had been a nice surprise.
Then she turned and hugged him. “Nora was right. Tonight’s show was stellar. You eye fucked that crowd, and they ate it up.”
He grinned. “I did what now?”
“Come into the kitchen so I can get plates and drinks. Pizza will be here shortly. I’ve been dreaming of their sausage and black olive for weeks now. Champagne is going to make it even better.”
She pulled a bottle from the fridge. “I checked earlier when we first arrived. Fully stocked fridge and there are good snacks in the pantry. Jenna is one of those ultimate host type people. Everything is organized and comfortable with great snacks.”
Harlow’s step-mother seemed like the polar opposite of Gloria. Generous and loving. But Miles was not going to ruin their night with the mention of that harpy.
“I’m pro-snacks if I’m being asked for an opinion,” he told her, stealing a kiss and loving the way her mouth curved up as she smiled.