She gasps. “That’s where I went! I can put in a good word for you if you like. I’m still active in the alumni community. It wouldn’t be any trouble at all.”

“Thanks, Dr. Atlee, but I want to do this one on my own.”

“I understand that.” She rolls a cushioned stool toward the examination table and sits. She levels her gaze with mine. “It also doesn’t hurt to admit you need help and then ask for it.”

For a second, I almost stop breathing. This woman who doesn’t know anything about me other than my medical history and the color of my urine is giving me advice.Goodadvice. Like she cares about me or something.

I blink rapidly until she gives me a concerned look.

I smile. “Sorry, I’ve just…” I shrug, trying to articulate my feelings. There’s a lot going on in my body right now. “I’ve spent a lot of my life just doing things by myself, so I’ve never considered that maybeI’mthe one who needs help, you know?”

“It’s hard to accept help at first. I speak from experience.” Her knowing smile eases the nausea growing in my stomach. “But practice makes perfect, right?”


She glances at the clipboard, giving me a moment to think.

I mean, it wouldn’t hurt to have someone’s word backing me up during my interview. Especially if that someone is a successful woman like Dr. Jory Atlee.

I twist my hands together and clear my throat. “Dr. Atlee?”

“Yes, Liya?”

“I would love it if you could put a good word in for me. When you get the chance.”

She grins brightly. “Of course. Let me make a note and then we can do a quick exam.”

The rest of my appointment speeds right by me, with Dr. Atlee giving me suggestions on prenatal vitamin brands, prenatal yoga groups, and Lamaze classes. As soon as the appointment is over, I scoot off the table and head for the door with the printout of information covering my visit.

“Oh, Liya?” she calls out. “Before you go.”

I turn around. “Yes, Dr. Atlee?”

“You have a good husband,” she says. “Even if he might not seem that way sometimes.”

I study her quietly. Does she know something I don’t? Or did Pavel say something to her?

My mind races back to the afternoon spent on the yacht, my heart beating faster just at the thought of Pavel touching me like that for the rest of my life.

I smile and nod while twisting the doorknob, saying, “Yeah, I think I’m starting to see that.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


My brigadiers settle into their seats only after I’ve gotten comfortable. I glance at Stepan, who gives me a nod of support. My chest caves slightly when I glance at the empty seat across from me.

But it doesn’t last long. I look at Gennadiy and then Kostya. I look around the table.

I tap the report folder in front of me. “Boys, I have great news.” I pause for effect. A pin hitting the table could sound like a bomb right now. “My wife is pregnant.”

Applause slices through the room, chairs squeaking as men jostle around with excitement. An uncontrollable grin breaks on my face and I let it happen, shoving the steel expression aside for a second.

Triumphant excitement infects the room. It’s as good as a successful hit.

No, it’s better than that. It’s the supportive energy I’ve wanted this whole time.

I raise my hands to reduce the static thrum of conversation. “Stay focused.”